
With my Jupiter in Gemini, does this mean I'm too self-centered?

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I've been realizing that I AM extremely self-centered, I bring every conversation around to myself (but I TRY not to), and it says in my chart "Only one thing interests her-HERSELF".

Is there anything I can do to STOP being like this, I don't want to just be interested in myself, but I AM LIKE THAT,..or should I just except this flaw, and move on? I'm sure there's worse I could be, right?

Can you change something if it is supposed to be that way, because it is "written" in the stars?




  1. I think it was written that we met today ?

  2. Hi Sue

    Maybe you were looking at the wrong interpretation because Jupiter in Gemini definitely has NOTHING to do with being selfish. Actually,it may incline you to take a critical view on certain issues or to view it from the intellectual or philosophical side. This position gives good sense oand ability to advise, guide or trainothers sensible.

    Your Sun/ Moon combination gives an active mind and emphasizes your critical mind, making it quick in perception. You have strong feelings and sensations and need to bring this side under control.

    You are intuitive but need the balance of reason.

    Now, Mars conjunct Pluto indicates personal drive teaming upwith regeneration. This gives a great drive toward dominance and power and a never-ending supply of energy. As a result, this aspect is indicative of someone with tremendous creative potential (Libra) either continual self-refinement orself destruction.

    This ASPECT is where you get that compulsion to assert yourself, especially if you suspect that anyone is trying to restrict you in any way. You do not tolerate domination. In personal relationsship, you tend to be the aggressor which may make others apprehensive about getting too close to you. You are possessive in love and demanding even ofyour friends.

    This is due to your physical needs which are strong, and could iinduce you to use s*x as a device for achieving your goals.

    Having stated this, you are aware of the social problems and can be useful in urging others tomake necessary changes to solve these problems. You are able to persuade others because your demands have a threatening quality. You can take on the most difficult tasks but you need to find a way to express yourself through constructive activities.

    Edit.....   Self-centerednessis not part of a Libran trait. Your interest in yourself stems from that Mars-Pluto conjunction.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I believe in a philosophy that has been labeled "Wyrd" (like weird) and it states that everything is half fate and half a mix of karma and manifest will. By asking this question you have prevented fate from making you selfish to a fault. But remember, self-awareness is not a bad thing and you are very aware and it seems to me probably cvery tolerant of the faults and imperfections in your fellow man... I think you may even be very close to enlightenment and wisdom. Good work, fight the good fight we need better things to be...

  4. Hi,

    In my opinion no astrology aspect is good or bad, sure it has potential higher and lower octaves of expression...but it's what YOU do with it that counts. A fault is often a quality taken a step too far. One of my best friends, one of the loveliest persons I have had the pleasure to meet, has similar planetary patterns to you and he IS really INTO what he does. Is that bad/good? Some astrology statements can sometimes be sweeping and a bit harsh: an imperfect human being wrote what you read after all! I believe awareness is half the battle won and the rest that needs to be learnt, will be learnt from then on, naturally. The fact that you obviously care about being self-aware shows you're a caring person.

    Your mercury (communication, expansive thoughts) is conjunct (right next to) your moon (your inner most self/ emotions) and so naturally they ARE closely connected and from this aspect, it means you have no trouble expressing how your innermost self and how you feel. That's your quality.

    I on the other hand, have mercury square to my moon, and I stew and stew, playing my own devil's advocate, before I even open my mouth. It is a real pain sometimes but it is also useful in a sense as I feel I can step outside of myself. And at other times, my mercury comes across strongly as I've been bottling my feelings up too long! It's a case of pluses and minuses either way.

    You also have mars and venus in the sign of libra.

    One of the main factors in determining deep compatibility within a couple is how each person's mars relates to the venus. This determins what they each find attractive and whether that need is fullfilled within the couple. In my own experience, sparks happen when mars and venus are in the same sign, or the opposite sign or a sign of the same element.

    Mars can be seen as the raw, natural vitality and body energy that a person emits and gives freely. Venus is what you really love and need to receive. So when you have those conjunct in your own NATAL chart, it often means you are quite happy with your body, your style, the vibe you emit. In libra it means you are probably very attractive and with an excellent aesthetic eye. It means you like/love yourself and is great for self esteem. As a result, my friend with this exact astro pattern (mars, venus and pluto in Libra) takes ages to get ready, but ALSO has a lot of love to give to people. He is also Super focused on his projects!

    I also have Jupiter in Gemini, and as you can see from this long answer, I love writing and thinking, lol!  I'm either generous and encouraging or over the top with communication..or both!

    Your moon is in Virgo, and Virgo squares Gemini (communicating / written word / open expansive thinking) where your Jupiter (abundance of generous -occasionally overbearing - energy) is placed.

    This square suggests you have quite a strong emotional challenge and drive to express the already naturally expansive Jupiter. This square, or any square, shows intitial challenge (where people may think you are coming across strongly/ are bottling up the energy). However, eventually, with maturity, it will turn into an opportunity to grow and to master a lovely balance between the squaring planets (your moon/mercury and Jupiter) and the energies they emit.

    Potentially this means you can achieve a lovely balance between giving a lot of encouragement and happiness to people through communication or the written word ...with the emotional motivation of wanting to create a perfectly crafted service/project out there in the world.

    I hope this is of some help!

  5. Yes, Gemini is a personal sign, so yes, they kinda like to do the me me me thing.  Plus with Jupiter there, it makes it BIGGER and MORE OF....

    Jupiter in Gem is also pretty smart and likes to get the last word in.   They like to stir the pot.

    If you can change it, change it.  If not, don't. :-)

  6. I looked at your chart and did not see anything that jumped out as being overly self-centered; but I think you do need to work on cooling your jets a little when it comes to keeping the conversation going in social settings.  You might want to just work on being still and quiet............listen.  It doesn't always have to be go, go, go when it comes to conversation.  My feeling is that you are afraid of the lulls, and that is when the subject of me kicks into are trying fill in the quiet gaps with what you know best - yourself.  However, it is not that you aren't interested in others or are self-absorbed.  So, again, I just suggest you learn to be still - and be comfortable with the quiet.

  7. Okay...Firstly, Gemini is not traditionally connected with selfishness. They usually tend to be very social, although they tend to have a preference for being ahead of the crowd.

    It sounds like you have a dominant Fiery influence in your chart...Would you mind if I had a look?

    Yes, it could be worse, but you CAN do something to change it....Your chart is only your potential; the way you use it is up to you...

    I would suggest that you post a Q with your chart and ask how it affects this attitude...Then you'll have to figure out how you can fix whatever it is that you don't want to be like.

    Changing is not an easy thing...but it is rewarding enough for the persistent ones.

    I'll be back to add more in case you post your chart.

    Good luck :)

    edit: Oh...So there is a lack of Fire. Well, I do notice some things which may lead to this tendency...First off, the lack of Fire in your chart may either cause you to attract people with a lot of Fire in their charts OR stress particular Fire traits in order to make up for this lack, like being self-absorbed, proud, etc.

    Then, your Sun is conjunct your Moon...People with that combination are very decisive and often quite Aries-like. It's a good aspect to have, in the sense that you know where you're heading and you don't expect others to do things for you. However, it may also mean that you may not be flexible enough in your communication with others (although there is enough Libra in your chart to prevent you from that, I think)

    Also, Librans have a tendency to indulge themselves and they   want attention mainly because they need to be loved. This may be very evident in you for many reasons. Firstly, your Sun and Moon, which conjunct each other, are very involved with other planets, as well, so they are highlighted in your chart. Secondly, they happen to fall in a very high part of your chart...your Midheaven. Thirdly, your Venus and Mars (also in conjunction) make this need important for your social, romantic and professional interactions. Your Lilith in Taurus may also make you prone to self-indulgence.

    Other than that, only your Saturn is in Leo...also very close to your Midheaven.You may bring every conversation around yourself because of your Sun (ego) conjunct Mercury (words, communication).

    So your being self-centered seems to be of a Venusian nature rather than of a Fiery one. Okay, now I have to give it some thought about the solution...I'll be back as soon as I can. I have to admit this is a very interesting case to work on.

  8. I find it a little hard to believe a Libran is only interested in herself... and anyway, that Jupiter in Gemini is trining your Sun, which is a good aspect... I see your potential source of  self-centeredness coming from your Sun/Moon conjunction... the Sun can be considered your "outer" self and the Moon your "inner" self, and when they join together there is no perspective about yourself... but it should give you self-confidence. There is a fortunate quality that at least your Sun & Moon are in different signs. Having Mercury also conjunct the Sun/Moon makes you quite a chatterbox, and gives you a good mind.

    Anything in a chart can be utilized in different ways. There is no "one" proper way to manifest something, so change and shift are always possible.

    Where did you get the statement "Only one thing interests her-HERSELF"??? And what was it referring to?

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