
With my marks, could I make it into an Ivy League school? ?

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Hi everyone.

I'm going to be graduating soon, and I just wanted to ask.

My SAT scores are pretty high, and my grade 11 & 12 marks (I've taken some 12 courses already) are all in the 90's.

However, my grade 10 marks were pretty bad. It was probably an 84ish average. Should I be worried?

I can retake them, but I don't want to unless it's going to matter. I have been volunteering, working, taken all my courses to be well-rounded.

Thanks in advance!




  1. ofcourse u can son

  2. It's very difficult to get into an Ivy League school.  Grades and SAT scores aren't the only things they look at.  They look at extra-curricular activities (which they want to see a lot, most in leadership roles) and they want to see that you are active in your community.

    I graduated with a girl with over a 4.0 average (weighted courses) and lots of activities and she couldn't get accepted.  She ended up going to a state school.

    You could try, though, you never know.

    Good Luck.

  3. Call the University of your choice and speak with the folks in  Administrations.  Ask lots of questions about what is required to gain entrance.  BUG THEM until they know who you are.  Follow through on their suggestions.  If you don't get accepted the first year, keep on plugging away and calling.  Visit them.  Let them know you are very serious about THAT school and none other will do.  Whatever it is you want to major in, ask to speak to the Professors who teach the classes.  Remember.  "The squeaky wheel gets the oil."  Good blessings and success to you.

  4. Not a chance

  5. its really hard to get in. your grades are good but youll never no until you try. remember they look at extra curricular activities too. You should definetly apply and you have a chance. Just remember if you dont get in its not the end of the world. they only accept a certain number of people who are really intelligent.

  6. Schools mostly look at you scores in junior year, so if you scored in the 90's you should be fine. if you made honor society or anything like that it would enhance your chances. There's not harm in retaking your grade 10 marks, it would just give you a better chance

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