
With newborns afetr the first sterilization of new products like bottles etc can you just wash them regularly?

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or do you have to sterilize everytime?

also sometimes I rinse out my daughter's pacifier with just water after it falls on the floor or something but i rinse it well with water and then when I give it to her sometimes there is a little bit of water on it is that okay?




  1. just wash them as normal and a little water wont hurt!

  2. i would suggest a dishwasher or a cheap microwave steralizer usually around $20 at any kids store. they are easy to use. water is fine for a baby. when my son got hungry between feedings we gave him sips of water.  

  3. You don't have to sterilize everything every time you use it.  Just be sure to wash it good.  Actually...... continous boiling of baby products is proven to be bad..... because it causes chemicals to  leech out of the product.  The pacifier is fine to give to her with a little water still on it.  It won't hurt her at all.  

  4. I use the dishwasher everytime for bottles and pacifiers.  I have noticed lately though that it's not good for the pacifiers. Water gets under neath the nipple and leaves dry spots and turns them colors. So gotta throw em away...but the bottles I def. use the dishwasher.How old is your baby? You only need to be really extra careful their first couple weeks..for the body is still getting use to everything and that is when they are most vulnerable.  

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