
With oil being so expensive now, would it be worth drilling for our own again (Wales)?

by  |  earlier

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and keeping it for ourselves of course





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. There are several active oil wells in England already.

    Plans are well under way to extend that activity.

  3. well that's a tricky question. if your speaking of wales, as in a part of england, then i can't speak with certainty for your economy. what i DO know is that when the US government announced that they would now allow off shore drilling for oil, the price of all gasolines dropped radically, when in reality the oil that is will be drilled will not be available for years and the ability to turn a profit wouldn't happen till years after that. the simple suggestion caused the drop. that's what's goin on in the US n e way

  4. what they should do is try to replace it with something new. instead of spending millions of dollars to get the oil in irak they should spend it in scientific search and trying to find something to replace it with.

  5. Oil prices have being falling , its up to the fuel companies to pass it on , on the drilling side I watched a program on the discovery channel about oil prospecting , it cost the guy $2 m to drill a hole in the ground , to find nothing but dirt .  

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