
With over 38 million households watching Obama's speech last night, do you think McSame can top that?

by  |  earlier

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Now, I know the envious Reps will tear me up and say not everyone in the crowd would vote for Obama.




  1. You answered your own silly question. It's about time to change your talking points and take the "Same" out, it backfires to your moron friend who is just a cheap talker.

  2. thats not counting the people that watched online and on c-span and PBS.

    but to answer your question "no"

  3. He just did today! Besides, this is an election, not a football game or a concert.

  4. Lol, McSame.

    No I don't think he will.

  5. you know that was an amazing speech and i never saw so many people in one stadium....and hearing that 38 million households watchin the gotta love it....mccain probably will get 1000 supporters

  6. Out of 38 million, how many will get off their asses and go vote?

    Better yet - how many are Dem/Republican? I watched it, and I'm certainly not voting for Oh-bummer :-)

  7. Not in a million years. McCain does not have the ability to inspire us to be better than we are or to reach for new heights. He only tries to copy Obama and it's obvious. He needs to try and make it with his own words and thoughts.

    Obama is going to win!! But we need to keep up the good fight!

    FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! For what we all deserve!!!

    LOWER Taxes!!

    Healthcare for All

    Equal Pay for Women!!

    College affordable for all!!

  8. Mr. McCain will top B.0. with more votes  in November.  That is the only time  numbers matter.

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