
With petrol quickly moving towards $2 a litre should the gov provide rebates for out lying areas?

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I live in an area where there is no public transport . The nearest train station is a $30 cab fare. Should the government subsidise the cost of petrol for areas such as this. Before i get the old "why not move" answers, I bought my house in this town 30 years ago in the hope that at some stage we would have at least a school let alone transport.




  1. No. our respective governments should attack the problem head on and drill for more and develop other resources at the same time.

  2. No. When the government subsidises things, the prices just get raised. Just look at rising child care fees and private health insurance premiums. The first home buyers grant and tax concessions like negative gearing and CGT discounts and exemptions gave us inflated house prices. That's why it's ridiculous that Brendan Nelson yabbers on about cutting fuel excise by 5c a litre - the price will just get raised by 5c a litre.

    Why don't you just get a motorbike or a 3-wheeler? Much cheaper to run and it should pay for itself in the coming years. It's just going to get worse until we start using alternative fuels seriously or use our own oil and not have our prices inflated by the global futures markets.

    You choose not to move house so you don't really have any choice but to spend more money on petrol. But at least you're not spending $1000 a week on mortgage repayments as well -  so you're better off than many others ... Good luck! :)

  3. They should tackle the problem with more Virge.

    How ever the Government will take your money but will not give you a second thought. Getting  them to fund the hospitals and welfare of the people is way beyond their intentions. Their for most intention is to look after their own pay raises and get rich from your taxes no matter which party is in power.

  4. No, the government should be DISCOURAGING the use of fuel rather than subsidizing it.  If it is subsidized,  it encourages people to use more, driving up the price.

    It's no one else's fault you moved there 30 years ago.  Why did you assume the area was going to develop?  Did you think a city would magically rise all around you?

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