
With regard to economics, why does the left believe in the false concept of "free" healthcare?

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......when MOST of us know that NOTHING is "free". SOMEONE has to pay for all the new goodies that Obama wants for "the poor". As usual, hardworking taxpayers will have to foot the bill and take home less for THEIR families!




  1. Canada has had universal health care for years and they are doing just fine. If fact, America is the only advanced nation in the world that doesn't have it.

    The easiest way to pay for universal health care in this country is to get rid of corporate welfare and cut down of the free giveaway to the top 1%. By just doing that we'll have a surplus. the kind Clinton left us.

    (Now you can give me my thumbs down for being honest. And while you're doing so don't forget to call me a Commie, Pinko, Socialist. I'm none of those, of course, but you won't care because you're not interested in hearing the truth. I'm just some unimportant little Moderant Independent.)

  2. Wrong.

    The Dems will just follow Bush's lead and borrow the money from China, that way nobody has to pay for it.

  3. companies move out of the US so they don't have to pay for it

  4. A) We already have FREE health care for people who are desitute or eligible for particular programs.  B) That's not what Obama is proposing.

  5. Why does the FAR RIGHT think that having sick and/or a unhealthy force is a positive for productivity?  Why does the FAR RIGHT wrongly think that the middle class and working poor are undeserving a living wage?

    And more importantly why does John McCain intend to tax your health care benefits as income?

  6. So, you're saying you don't want those who can't afford insurance to have health care, I take it?

    I hope you don't call yourself Christian.

  7. That's very true. I fully expect my taxes to go up to pay for "free" healthcare.

    In return, I will see the $300+ I pump into my HSA eliminated. I won't have to deal with "health""care" companies putting more and more restrictions on what's covered and what I have to jump through hoops for.

    Hospital emergency rooms won't have to replace the role of family physician and charge the earth for the privilege. Charges that won't be paid thereby driving up the cost of private insurance every year.

    In the meantime, we have a more productive workforce because everyone doesn't feel like they have to make a choice between rent and medicine.

    Sure, "free" healthcare ain't free, but it beats being sick.

  8. It's amusing that you don't seem to see the fallacies in the current system -- which are right in your own text. Nothing is free -- but right now, we have health care rationing based on income and insurance. BUT -- if someone has an injury -- they are treated. Who pays? We all do -- already. Right now, the system is so messed up that an individual with no insurance puts off having a minor problem treated -- but then it turns into something catastrophic. He is forced into bankruptcy, and we foot the bill (Not directly, but through raised fees)

    It is time to work on a new way of thinking about health care.

    It won't be free; it will make sense. The current system is just plain stupid.

  9. I agree, it is not the role of government to to run our lives. We should bear the responsibility ourselves.The government is the reason we have such high costs now.  

  10. because they  think that hard working people should pick up the tab for drugy joe  

  11. You would label me leftist and I believe in Health Care for all but nothing is free. Somebody is paying for it.

    If we just take the money we are throwing out in Irak and apply it to a Health Care Program, we are making progress for our people. And then we need to get rid forever of all the pork barrel projects.

    Who needs a Bridge to nowhere and needs to know about the lovelife of the Ladybugs.

    Why is there nobody in the media who will take the time to expose all of this nonsense ?

    In addition, insist that all Politicians pay into Healthcare and Pensions.

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