
With regards to aussie rules?

by  |  earlier

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which one is that the one where its kinda like rugby in that they're always running...or is that canadian...

how bout somebody just tells me the rules...




  1. They are always running yes.

    But its nothing like rugby.  Rugby is more like NFL as basically play from a line, both teams on opposite sides when the play starts.

    Aussie Rules is not a stop start game, more like soccer in that respect, but where you can use hands, with tackling, hard hits, high flying catches (called marks) and generally high scoring goal kicking.

    It's a great game to watch.

    As far as telling you the rules, have you got 6 months?\

    Check out the AFL website or better yet, watch a game or highlights package.

  2. Australian rules football has its own set of rules, which are quite simple.  I would go to the AFL official web site to read up more about the sport.

  3. in rugby you run on lines and it is measured by how far you run and a score is called a try. In aussie rules there is a round oval with a giant square in the middle (50m*50m) close to this at each end is a fifty metre arc stretching from one boundary to the other. at each end there are 4 goalposts the aim is to kick the ball into the middle ones. the team with the highest score after 4 quarters wins. a quarter goes for between 20 and 35 mins. you can tackle anywhere between the knnes and trhe shoulders. you must bounce the ball every 15m that you run with it or elkse it is a free kick to the other team. hope that helps.

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