
With so many high level college players in the US why is it so hard to start a professional league here?

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I don't consider beach volleyball a legitimate professional sport. I put that in the class with snowboarding, WWF and other extreme "exhibitions" events. I'm talking about hard court indoor 6 on 6 player volleyball. Beach volleyball is more about T & A and less about pro sports.




  1. Good question.

    I believe it is all about $

    Hard to get enough fans to buy tickets.

    About 15 years ago I was in Indianapolis watching USA vs. Canada (two "top level" national men's teams). With $8 for each ticket, it was close to a WNBA game's ticket price, but only 1/10 of fans gathered in a tennis "play ground"... plus I had free ruffle and won a SuperCuts USA Volleyball T-shirt.

    Right, that game was not played indoor, and was sponsored by Banana Boat (I am not joking).

  2. For spectators who don't know how a 6-2 or 5-1 works, it's a difficult game to understand.  Players shift positions and roles continuously and very quickly in a small space.

    (I understand 6-2/5-1 on a recreational level, I can follow a televised college game only if I'm paying close attention.)

    Beach volleyball, with only 2 players, is simpler.  That, as much as the pleasing visuals, makes it easier to sell.

  3. Another problem is some of the promoters.  I found out about someone that was trying to start up a women's pro league.  It was an interesting idea.  Houston would draft Houston area players for the first year or two so that they could work other jobs (like coaching club) to make ends meet until the pro league would make it.  I got the Houston team together.  We had some practices.  Dallas did the same thing as did Atlanta and Arkansas.  Dallas and Houston got together for a pre season scrimmage.  We did very little advance notice to as many people as I knew.  We had 125 people show up.  We did the same thing in Dallas and about 100 showed up.  THEN, we figured out that the promoter was a liar and a cheat and full of _____.   He did not have the financial backing that he said he did.  We finally backed him into the corner and told him that we needed some cash.  He said he would overnight a check for $5000 to cover uniforms and give the players some salary.  It has been about 4 years and I am still waiting.  It is not likely that anyone in Houston will be that gullible again.

  4. What about beach volleyball. Aren't there pro beach volleyball leagues?

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