
With so many people living longer and longer should the Governments...?

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of the world impose a cap on the amount of children you are permitted to have?

The Global population is spiralling out of control and all these old people around the place are depressing me.




  1. most countries where people live longer have low birth rates, it would be more prudent or these countries to encourage births so as there population ages the working aged population would increase as well.

    Also i think there are limits to how old people a population can become before the people die off, we dont live forever. The global population may be growing at the moment but it is anything but old. In fact the world population breakdown shows that it is still very young.

  2. If you answer 'Yes!How are you going to police it?If you are lucky;you will be old!!

  3. actually industrialised nation are seeing a decline in birth rate japan for instance has a birth rate of about 1.21.

    People need to have more children and from a younger age

  4. That is an excellent point. I too think the worlds population is spialling out of control. I think 3-4 kids is enough for anyone. As for the over 50's euthanasia plan - if you can give them a better deal than the over 50's health care plan then they may accept.

    Looking at some people though you just think (and i don't wish to be mean but) "why aren't you dead yet?". "you look god awful and older than time, you have such a miserable face so why don't you just pop your clogs?!?

  5. i think they should, then it will at least stop pikeys having a dozen kids and not working

  6. over fifty?you must be one of them teen agers they was talking about in that other question.if you wanted to talk about uthinization to reduce the populace wouldnt you start at the bottom age and let the old die out? works better for me.but i dont think like that.i have a lot of negativity but there is a limit

  7. Mandatory euthanasia?

    You understand human rights don't you? People have worked long and hard for them and still are today and you think we should just kill people at 50? You say this but I seriously doubt you'd like to be told you have to kill yourself. People over 50 are the leaders of our country's, the people who have a lot of experience and knowledge in doctoring and law, just because they are of middle age does not mean they do not contribute to society.

    Its also peoples right to pop out as many kids as they want, cept for China I suppose, and though some people probably shouldn't, for financial reasons and such, theres not much you can do. And some people dream of a big family, they should have every right to have their children. The world isn't becoming over populated, just in certain areas, and the fickle control of resources is what courses problems, we aren't saving for the future.

    And old people have every right to be in this world, it doesn't matter if they are wrinkly or what, they depress you? People like you depress me so just stfu and have some human decency. You aren't the only one with the right to live.

  8. I think no more than 4 children is resonable enough in this day and age, we don't live in the dark ages where children died young or were needed to help their parents with work. But the thing is there's bound to be loads of people that will ignore it and have a dozen kids anyway, or people will become "accidently" pregnant, what do we do then? Take the children? Force the mother into abortion? They're very heavy handed approaches, people will protest about it

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