
With so much money that went to the Clintons from Red China, will HIllary be called to Myanmar to posture ?

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Or will the reaction be similar to the Nancy Pelosi brush under the rug of a unanimous declaration of condemnation of the MoveOn org ad stating "we have better things to do", and leave people who obviously need justice and the right thing done out in the cold as was done with the liberals to Patreus. With that in mind, how much Chinese dough will she get next time, hmmmm???




  1. If Hillary is elected President, Burma would stop acting up.

  2. You're just spouting a lot of nonsense.  Show me where there is money coming from China to the Clintons.  

    Burma or Myanmar is a non-issue.

  3. ... and your proof of all this c**p is .... where???????

  4. She is practicing her Burmese dialect at this moment!!!  how many would that be ???10,11..So many!!!

  5. GOOD POSTING, there's a lot more to the Chinese and there money and the Clinton's.

  6. You need to go to Burma to know the people there. We need food, jobs, investments, libraries, factories, microcredits.

    Democracy can come later when our stomachs are full.

    Please do not play politics with our people.

  7. HUH?

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