
With songs like "i kissed a girl" playing on the radio, what are parents supposed to do?

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i don't know how many of you have heard the song "i kissed a girl" by katie perry. honestly, the dance music lover in me thinks the song is pretty good. but the mother in me is horrified. my son is only 10 months old, but i'm still thinking that some things just aren't appropriate for mainstream media. its not about being anti-g*y, its just that the s*x talk for a 4 year old gets a little complicated when the child is bombarded with homosexual (and heterosexual) hyperactivity on television. i heard a little girl singing the song "babymama" by fantasia and i was sick to my stomach. while i applaud any single woman that works hard to maintain a home for herself and her child(ren) we should be inspiring our kids to find stable relationships and get married and THEN have kids. do we really want our children copying our mistakes? i guess my question is, how can parents protect our children from thing they're too young for? i will explain homosexuality to my child when he's old enough, but i don't want my child to see two men making out in the park as natural. are any other parents tired of having to fight outside influences to keep our kids innocent? its almost like we have to wrap them in bubble wrap before watching t.v., turning on the radio, or leaving the house. what are the parents that are trying to raise our kids the right way supposed to do? people get mad at parents for having to combat media and outside influences, but what are we supposed to do when outside influences and the media won't let us do our jobs?




  1. We only listen to K-Love at our house.  No sleezy s**y songs there!

  2. Did you ever stop to think that your child will think it's just a song and sing along with it and not think anything of the words?

  3. It's just a song?  It's NOT just a song!  I agree with you, it has a really nice beat to it but all it's saying is that it's ok to be bi and experiment - I know everyone gets mad at people who are against g**s and homos, and I'm not trying to bash anyone, but I am old school and still believe in what the Bible says about same s*x relationships.  it's wrong.  no if, ands or buts.  my 7 yr old started singing that song and i told him that God doesn't approve of two girls or two boys and that we shouldn't listen to the song.

  4. I love that song. So what if your kid hears it, Being a Homosexual is normal today and your kids need to know it is a normal part of society.

  5. "its not about being anti-g*y"

    "but i don't want my child to see two men making out in the park as natural."

    You may want to resolve these sentiments.

    In addition, you are under no obligation to listen to the radio, watch the television, or browse the parts of the internet that you find offensive or at odd with your internal moral compass. I'm certain that you can find radio, television, and internet places that conform with the beliefs you hold.

  6. i think the earlier children are exposed to things the better they are able to handle it later in life.

    please answer;...

  7. Actually my 16 year old daughter was listening to "I kissed a girl" just yesterday while we were driving in the car. I was pretty shocked to listen to the lyrics.  I don't think it is healthy- however, the beat is wonderful, and I liked the music.  That is what is so deceiving about music - the beat can attract the young people to the wrong message.

  8. You have to be very choosy about where you take your kids and what they listen to and watch on TV.  I feel the same way you do about this and it is an ongoing battle.  My kids are still very young but I am careful about exposing them to things I feel are inappropriate.  I monitor what they can watch on TV (preschool stuff only) and the music they listen to (kids stuff mostly).  We don't listen to the radio because I don't think they need to hear all the garbage that is played.  We steer our kids away from areas at the mall where teens are hanging out so they won't be exposed to a multitude of swear words too.  The other thing that we try to do is talk to our kids about the kinds of things that are inappropriate and they listen and understand.  We are honest and forthright about stuff and they ask questions until they are satisfied why these things are inappropriate for them.  So far so good but my daughter starts kindergarten in another month and this will open up a whole new set of problems I'm sure.  

  9. there is only one thing that you can do,and a million things you cant! One of the things that you cant do is lock your child away from the world and throw the key away. What you should do is ALWAYS talk with your child about sensitive issues like that and be honest and open. PLEASE DO NOT SUGAR COAT ANYTHING!!! These days you have to gain trust from your child so that they are not afraid to come talk too you when there is something that he or she would like to discuss. Do not YELL!!! or show ANGER!!! If you do you will risk loosing your child's TRUST!!!! DO YOU REALLY WANT YOUR CHILD TO HIDE THINGS FROM YOU??? That is really the question you should be asking yourself...

  10. so why not let your kid see two guys make out? i remember seeing that when i was 4 and thought kissing was gross no matter what. plus you cant protect them because then when they get older they will do all the things you try to get rid of. such as drugs. because they would want to rebel.

  11. a, they have radio disney, and cd players.  You can put it on "family friendly" radio stations, or just keep your own cds in the player.  I know TONS of parents of young kids who don't listen to the radio anymore.  (actually, they depend on me to give them musical updates :-D)

    music is music.  if you raise your child right, they may tap their toes to it but they won't follow it.  or maybe they'll change the station themselves.

    *edit:  and you can keep them away from the tv if it's that serious.  but i really think so long as you monitor what they watch and keep it from being extreme, they'll be fine.

  12. dont worry,i feel the same about the song but i talked to my daughter and told her the truth of what i believe.the beat is good but the message is unhealthy for young children.i wouldnt worry now since your son is 10 months old i would be more concerned when he turns 11.....what these kids know today is best advice is to talk openly and be honest so your son confides in you at a later time when he is older.your children will tell you things if they know you wont yell at them.tell them about what they want to has worked fine so far with my daughter covering subjects such as oral s*x(yes!they know about it at 11)g*y/L*****n,rap music,cursing,smoking,drugs,boyfriend/gi... name it i talk about it.when she comes home from school i hold my breath to see what she is going to ask about.but she is informed and honestly too.i think it helps alot to be open and close and be straight forward.

  13. No, I don't think that I am the mom that is ok with their child acting like a fool. My kids are very well behaved...however I do not believe that children should be hidden from the realities of life. If you are anti-g*y you will raise your kids to be so as well....I myself am not and I am very realistic...whether you want your kid to hear the song is on you but to be day they will be at the mall and see some girls kissing...and then what are you going to say then? My son is 4 and I am very up front with him about anything he asks...I would rather be the one to inform him on Reality then sugar coat it as you would prefer and then let them grow up nieve and mis-imformed by someone else....and I kind of think its funny that you get sooo defensive on a question you ASKED...if you didn't want peoples opinions, then you shouldn't have posted on here...or maybe you just thought there were more narrow minded people like yourself....

  14. your neurotic

    chill out its just a song

    don't worry you son wont 'catch' gayness

  15. if you don't want them to hear songs put it on a station that is kid appropriate and there are parental settings on the TV that you can only allow shows with a PG setting to be played w/ out a password and don't watch violent shows or shows with "homosexuality" in it.  

  16. well I guess where I disagree with you is that I don't find two men kissing in the park abnormal!!!!!!   I am raising my sons 3 years and 5.5 months with an open heart and an open mind and will never tell them that homosexuality is not normal.  There is nothing wrong with choosing to love the same s*x, what is wrong with this world is that people still find loving someone abnormal and wrong if it doesn't fit their cookie cutter perspective. raising my kids with an open heart and an open mind that also instills RESPECT!!!!!  If you teach your children to respect everyone they will not be the ones cursing and making out in class.

  17. Its just a song. Its not promoting anything. Your baby is only 10 months.

    Most moms should be worried about the music their kids listen to these days. But you dont , be worried when ur child gets older.  

  18. i totally agree with you, it is frustrating...a lot of songs have gotten WAY out of hand i think.  i love to listen to the radio and there are a lot of my favorite songs on the station that i listen to, but then they start to play the others that i really don't think are appropriate for kids...even the edited versions  the main one i absolutely can't stand is "s**y can i"  when did all of this stuff become sooo appropriate to just be readily available to any and all, including innocent children.

  19. i understand your concern.

    but in fact, like violent videogames kids play, if they don't get out of control, they probably won't do what they see. if you point them in the right direction, they'll find they're way. just set a limit. i just like that song, (i'm 13) you won't want advice from me, but it IS from a kid's point of view, so maybe you like that. i like "i kissed a girl" and my 21 year old brother didnt know it was a girl singing until i told him, haha. but kids aren't that stupid, you can't baby them forever.

  20. I haven't heard the song.  Like others, I have no problem with my young kids hearing a song that involves kissing (regardless of the genders involved).  I do have a problem with more sexualized lyrics.  In my area there's a radio station that tags itself a station with songs adults like with lyrics that are appropriate for kids.  I'd guess such things exist other places, as well.  There's also the cd route.  And of course it's the same thing for tv and computer; you do watch what they see and hear when they're little, and gradually expose them to more and more as they are ready for it.

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