
With teenage pregnancy on the rise how do you feel about the subject and do you know any teen moms?

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Would you yourself want a child while your a teenager or are you a teen mom?




  1. I wouldnt want it!

    But if it happened I would go through with it.

    becuase It is my mistake.

  2. I was shocked to find that the preliminary birth rate for U.S. teenagers 15–19 years rose 3 percent to 41.9 births per 1,000 females in 2006. While 3% doesn't sound too bad, it means that out of every 1,000 females ages 15-19,  41.9 of them gave birth in 2006.

    Teenage pregnancy more then half of the time is galmourized. Made out to be this "wonderful", "fun" thing when in all honesty it's very far from it. I would never have wanted to get pregnant as a teenager. Even know at the age of twenty and still living with my parents I would be darned if I had a child at this age. The whole point of having a child is waiting till your an adult. These young girls want to play "house" because they want to be adults, but you CANNOT call yourself "grown" or an "adult" when you depend on your mother and father to supply almost everything for the child YOU created.

  3. I don't care. It's their life not mine. It's not like getting pregnant at a young age is a crime or anything. I don't judge them. I do know a few teen moms, but I wouldn't want to be a teen mom, I'd rather finish all of my school first.

  4. It is not on the rise.  It just seems like it because of Jamie Lynn and the publicity she is getting for it.  And since you notice one pregnant teen, you will notice all of them.  But no it really is not on the rise.  Just people paying more attention to pregnant teens that they never did before.

  5. I used 2 know a girl who got pregnant @ 11.

  6. My aunt had my cousin when she was 16.

    I went to high school with a girl who not only had a baby our sophmore year, but had another one again our senior year.

    I graduated in 2002. So this was what 8 and 6 years ago now...and I don't think things are getting any better.

  7. I am 34 now and I was a teen mom.  If I could go back, I would wait.  Don't get me wrong, I love my son with every fiber of my being but, it was soooooooo hard even with the help of my mom.  The dad didn't EVER want to be around until he found out that I was dating some one and then it was h**l to pay.  It is a very hard long road to be a teen mom.  THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!  s*x feel good but, not THAT good!!!!!

  8. I am 17 years old and pregnant! i was on the pill and failed to use a condom one time and became pregnant.

    I live in a very small town, we have one grocery store and 2 gas stations and that is pretty much it.  In my town their are 4 teenage girls pregnant. I think that it is sad, 4 girls not attending school anymore and doing their G.E.D. All four girls were on the pill. I was on sprintec, and i am not sure what the others were on. but i just think younger girls are maybe more fertile now-a-days or something.

    But no matter what i would never change getting pregnant i am now 34 weeks and totally excited to have the baby! God doesn't give babies to just anyone, babies are gifts.

  9. It isn't so much teen pregnancy as pregnancy that results from teens having very casual s*x.  

    A young woman of 17 or 18 in a committed relationship that will one day lead to marriage who is not postponing her whole life is one thing.

    Most of the teen moms I know are YOUNG  betweem 14 and 17.  They don't have it together, if wasn't for parents they'd go down the tubes.  They usually find that taking care of a baby --after the newborn stage, is a lot more trouble and time consuming than they anticipated.  Most end up dropping HS at least for a while.  They just cannot keep up.  "I thought babies sleep all the time. And were cute and smilely,  My kid cries 12 hours a day.  if it wasn't for my mom I'd go crazy."

    They often, to their credit,  go back, get at least their GED's  and many are attempting to get tech degrees because they are realizing what it going to take to raise a child as a single mother.  Most have aged a lot between 15 and 20.  They just are not young anymore.  They realize they threw their youth away on worthless guys, they are the Parents. They have all the responsibility.   The guys are skating around making more babies by young girls. Most are somewhat bitter about being 'stuck' with the whole load.  Many started out with parents help, with bills and babysitting and found by age 18 months or so or so that has worn out..they are realizing that government help is necessary if they are going to get an education.  They often are wanting to live independantly and are forced into substandard housing and high crime areas where you don't let your babies play in the parks for fear they or you wil get shot.

    But many of these girls are flat determined, they finish their tech degrees, get jobs and just hunker down and make some kind of life for themselves. I admire their grit.

    The others have more children by floaters in the night, end up on drugs and drinking, grabbing the party life for all it is worth.  They end up in court, in jail or dead. Their kids end up in Foster care or with relatives.

    Those girls do not have access to Internet so we do not often hear from them.  But it would be interesting to.

  10. If they can raise it-

    have respect

    have time

    have money

    can do it

    THEN i say teens can have babies and yes, they can raise them just as well too....

    there are plenty of 30-40 year old in this world-

    who say they are good parents-

    but they leave they're babies alone,

    in closets, beat them, some in trash cans....

    I say ANYONE-











    If they have the RIGHT MIND, RIGHT TIMING, RIGHT JOB, RIGHT MONEY, RIGHT LIFE, RIGHT PATIENCE & Right Judgement....then they can raise a child.....

    anything less than that-

    wouldnt be a good mother/father  aka one who never is home, never speaks to there child, neglects there child, harms or hurts the child.......

  11. My aunt had my cousin when she was 12 years old. Right now he is into hard drugs and in trouble with the cops. Does it have anything to do with her having a baby at the age of 12? Maybe. The fact that she is a crappy mother didn't help the fact either. She still is a crappy mother. She doesn't even know where her son is right now. But i am against it because nobody really young knows how to take care of a baby properly. I mean they are still babies themselves.

  12. My sister is pregnant at 15. And i think it is the stupidest thing. I am 23 and she will never get to experience all the things that i have had the opportunity to experience. I have had soo much fun. It is very disappointing. She will have to grow up so quickly.. i still feel i have some growing up to do although i have been with my boyfriend for 4 years. Well i think im prego right now.. but not sure.. but im 23 not 15....

  13. I wouldnt want a  child in my teen years. I do understand it is none of my busniess etc. I have a cousin that had a baby when she was 16. She is doing very well. I don't look down on teen Moms though.

  14. I was a teen mom.  I am now 27 and my son will be 11 next month.

    We need to do more to increase girls' self esteem.  I let myself be "lead" into the whole s*x thing before I was ready because I was convinced I was "undatable" and if I let this one slip through my fingers I would be single forever.  And when we ran out of condems, I knew he wanted it anyway, and again, I let him do whatever...

    Boy was I dumb!!  I am awesome!

  15. i think teen preggy is a sad thing..its a drag on our economy, a scurge on our kids embarrassment to the parents..and all around a piti to see young minds go to waste while they act grown up dressingup their live dollys....i would never have considered getting pregnant during my teen years..s*x, ok..but c'mon we all know what a condom looks like...its ridiculous.

  16. I will be 19 in September and my daughter will turn 2 years old 2 weeks later. I have very much experience in this topic...Being pregnant at 16 was a very difficult thing, and taking care of a baby at 17 was even harder.

    Children in general are difficult...But when you're younger and don't have a lot of the resources that older parents have, it can be very difficult. I had to take the bus everywhere because neither me or my boyfriend were able to drive. We were limited on money also...Luckily for us his parents provided us a house to live in rent free until our daughter was born.

    Even through all the hardships we faced, I wouldn't change one d**n thing about the direction my life has taken. My daughter is my hero. She literally saved my life. I was going down a bad path, drinking and doing drugs until I knew there was a possibility I could be pregnant. Then I quit right then and there until I could find out for sure. When I went to the doctors, and they confirmed my suspicions I continued to stay sober, and to this very day I am proud to say that I have NOT taken any alcohol or drugs.

    Though I don't regret anything about my past, I really wouldn't recommend being pregnant at such a young age to anyone. It is very difficult. Teens need a lot of growing to do as it is, and then once they are responsible for a whole other life, they have to grow up even faster. I am not against teen pregnancy, but I am also not for it.

    There are different views because if you get pregnant at a young age, and you take responsibility and take care of the child, doing your best to provide for that child, being 100% mom, I am for it. If you get pregnant and you smoke, do drugs or drink while you're pregnant and continue to do after you have your baby then that's not being such a good mom, I am totally against it (old OR young)

    Some teens feel as though their youth has been taken away and they are not ready to focus on another life. They aren't ready to have to put someone elses needs in front of their own, and in that case, it's not good.

    Everyone handles the situation differently and you shouldn't  categorize all teen parents as being one way, because everyone has a unique situation...

    And about going out and living your teen years, I had my chance to party and go out with my friends and I did and I had fun at the time. But it gets played out after a while. Between 13 and 16 before I got pregnant I lived my teen years to the fullest and I don't need it anymore. I am perfectly content to stay home and play with my daughter because everyday with her is way more exciting then going out getting drunk, puking all over, and waking up in strange places.

  17. why do you care so much, people have s*x all ages.

  18. I am 17 and i am 5 months pregnant.. I didn't plan on getting pregnant but when i found out i was i knew i would take care of my baby and that it didn't mean i was stupid or my life was over like most ignorant people assume. I have a wonderful fiance and we are both excited and financially stable to have a baby. I do wish that we could have waited but things happen unexpected and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. I love my baby so much already and i can't wait for him or her to come into the world where me and dad will be waiting.

  19. Im 15 and I have a 2 month old baby almost 3 month and I couldn't be happier and I love my baby so much and I know I am a great mom. I think that there is nothing wrong with teen moms as long as they care and love for their baby the best they can. Teen moms are just as good moms as any mom and sometimes better.

  20. i was 17 when i had my first i was self contiece and kept it a secret for awhile, I had to bust my *** off at school i managed to graduate a year early. I am now 22 and I have 2 fine boys

  21. they dont plan it, most of the time. but there responsible for not getting abortion for there 14 and 6 months and i dont give a **** what people think cause i know i did the right thing and people can judge all they want...they dont know what happend.

  22. it shows irresponsibility. and, yes, i know teenage moms. the one who stick with what they did, kept the baby and didn't have an abortion or found that baby a good home with a couple who actually wants him. i respect them then.

  23. I think it needs to be discouraged, but I don't think teen moms should be bashed.

    I know LOTS of teen mothers (my sister was one, my BFF from school, plenty more acquaintances, and they are ALL great moms to their children)

    I think it forces people to grow up fast, and it's a shame that some people don't get to experience their teen years like those who do not have children.

    However, I'm a strong believer in 'Everything Happens for a Reason.'

  24. i would not want a child as a teenager, but i am 13 and pregnant. so it happens at all ages..

  25. Well i think the subject is very important because a lot of girls are feelings pressured to have s*x when maybe they're not ready, but I think they should protection no matter what. And if they do become pregnant and they dont want to go through with it abortion would probably the best way to go. I do know  a teen mom and basically her mother has to take care of it while she goes to school, Plus she had to drop out of school while she started to show.

  26. I got pregnant at 16 & 18. Both babies did not make it. I am grateful in the sense that I was given the chance to grow up  but in the other sense I still think about them to this day. It is a choice that the teen Mom has to make. My Daughter will be there someday and I hope she waits. But if not I would support her decsion.

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