
With the Al Gore's AGW model, aren't the COASTS supposed to be where all the flooding happens?

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What happened? Sure. It was a LOT of rain, but MY understanding from Al's Oscar-winning movie was that it was the COASTAL regions that were supposed to be underwater! Sure, my eyes haven't SEEN the movie, and you have MY condolences if you shelled out the $10 to see that flick a couple years ago. Perhaps this would make MORE sense had there been an attempt to SEE the movie! *laughter*

So, all of you who have SEEN "An Inconvenient Truth," do any of you have an answer to this question? For the LAST ten or 15 years, we've been told that places like FL and LA (L.A., too, maybe, since it's coastal) are TOAST due to rising sea levels. Maybe the people of IA need to take Al to court to get some money from him for making THEM feel like they had NOTHING to fear from a 500-year flood! *laughter* Someone is to blame, and who else can it be? This movie assured us that it was the COASTs that should be fearing flooding - not the Mid-West.




  1. I think you need to see the movie. Especially the added features and updates.  The film was scheduled to shoot at the time Katrina occurred and there is an update explaining what happened there.  Not only did Al Gore predict flooding in Louisiana and other low lying areas, so did the US government who ignored the warnings.  He also showed a map that depicted in time lapse where the flooding would be.  Much of Florida would be under water as well as the south around Louisiana and to the north.  Again, I think you should rent the film and watch it before you criticize it base on the pure fiction you saw on Fox News.

  2. The coast of Louisiana is disappearing faster than ANY WHERE ON ELSE ON EARTH!!!  

    But it is because the Corp of Engineers has almost completely stopped the natural way the Miss. delta naturally replenished the coast by stopping flooding of low-lying areas (aka 9th ward ) by a levee system.  There are lots of resources to check this out.

    I am disgusted by Gore spending 100's of mil on commercials promoting a science that is suspect at best when he could spend that money fixing a problem that can be scientifically proven with a ruler.

  3. I don't buy into Al Gore's AGW models.   Those models use extrapolative data in place on observed data and then make predictions based on what is essentially, a prediction.

    Amy..  I am impressed by your knowlege in this situation and you are quite correct.    Plus it wouldn't be too hard to predict a catastrophic event in the New Orleans area based on the levees at that time.    

    The Corp of Engineers were fully cognizant of what was going on,   yet nothing was done.   This is neither FEMAs or President Bush's fault.

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