
With the Large Hadron Collider smashing particles together at energies present a billionth of a second?

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post Big Bang, how is all that energy contained? And in the future will it be possible to create the energy of the Big Bang? Does the answer lie in that less mass is being smashed together at the LHC? Thank you.




  1. recreate the energy of the big bang?  no.  the big bang contained all of the energy that makes up the universe.  so even putting the universe back into a machine would not achieve it, since the machine still exists!

    the idea is to get small numbers of particles to interact with energies seldom experienced since the big bang.  

    how is it contained?  it's not really, over several hours the particles are accelerated up to speed, using some extremely large magnetic coils and stuff, and then smashed.

    Nature physics did a nice supplement on the LHC about a year ago, but it seems you cant access it online without subscription :S  i might have a look through again for you if i get bored

      the lhc website has some info.

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