
With the Salmonella scare right now, and other veggies being in question, should I be eating ANY raw produce?

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I just read that researchers are now saying that tomatoes may not be the culprit of the salmonella scare. They are now saying that it may be produce which is often served with tomatoes such as lettuce, onions, cilantro, etc...So what does this all mean if you're pregnant? Should I be staying away from all raw produce for now? What about infected veggies that are cooked, is it just like with meat, if completely cooked the bacteria/virus is killed?




  1. I agree with Animals are Cool.  If you cook your veggies, the heat from the boiled water will kill off the virus and bacteria in the produce.  If you cook the veggies or are absolutely sure the raw produce you eat is not affected by the outbreak, you should be fine.

  2. Your safest bet is to go to your local farmers market and buy yummy local fruits and veggies. As always, go for the organic products and always wash your food before consuming it!

    Go Local!!!

  3. I was so mad with the tomatoes thing... I couldn't get a decent sandwich because that is usually my favorite part. Avocado and tomato sandwiches.... but I ate tomatoes anyway. Of course if you are preggers then you may want to cook them first... that will kill the salmonella as well as most other foodbourne pathogens that are common.

  4. If you cook all your vegetables them you will be fine. Cooking them will kill the salmonella (if the veggie is infected with it).

  5. You have a better chance of dieing in a car accident than getting sick from vegetables.  I don't say that to sound mean, but it is true.  Eat your veggies, you will be fine.

  6. i ate tomatoes during the whole salmonella scare because i cooked all mine down into a puree, anyway. cooking your vegetables is perfectly fine, although it does take away the nutritional benefits from them. to get raw foods into your diet, which is a necessity in my opinion, eat raw nuts, seeds, and fruits.


    i completely agree with the person above me. going local saves energy, not to mention a TON of money, because you are no longer paying for the shipping prices of your food. it saves GHG emissions and cash...definitely the way to go.

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