
With the VP's now chosen, didn't the "Change" message switch sides?

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If you look at both parties, didn't the "CHANGE" message Obama was trying to portray kind of...switch sides to the GOP?




  1. she is pro-life, she hunts, she is a member of the NRA, she has 5 kids, she is a "good christian woman" all things the republicans are using to get the "average" (especially rural) women to vote for them.

    yet they don't want these same women to get healthcare or our public schools to get decent teachers and decent funding!

    it's her image!

    i see right through it!!

  2. nope

  3. Yes it did. McCain actually chose someone not a Washington insider as his running mate.

    McCain =Made a change.

    Obama =Talks about making change.

  4. I agree- change is about a plan for the country.  

    Obama does not have a plan.... he talks about a plan... but there is no roadmap to get there.  Lots of great speeches and hot air.... but when it is all said and done "he is just an empty box of pizza."  

  5. Country First:


    McCain/Palin '08

  6. Uh no, are you stupid? "Change" isn't about the image of the VP's. It is about the plans for our country.

  7. It's funny because I was thinking the same thing earlier today. The Dems pull the woman card and then don't fulfill... so the GOP decides to do the same thing and I think it's a pretty good strategy. I'd be surprised if McCain doesn't win this election big time.

  8. McCain's choice is a far better choice than almost all expected, for the following reasons:

    All the media was focused on the front runners who ran for president. McCain kept this under wraps until the 11 TH hour, then he springs Palin upon us. I had no idea of what to expect until I heard her speak. She was inspiring, because she spoke so well. Not since Ronald Reagan have I heard someone actually speak to the public from the heart. I think she will make a good VP and someday crack that glass ceiling to become President.

  9. uhhh, no. it didnt switch sides, maybe mcplain has just tried to plagarize.  

  10. The truth is, neither side is for change...  If you want change, you need to vote third party...  But until enough people do that, that won't change anything either...

    In essense, not enough people are that pissed off to create the real change that this country needs...

  11. Good point, but canceled out by the lack of originallity from McSame. Palin's only footprint to winning is the abortion thing.

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