
With the Xbox 360 Arcade price drop to $199, will Sony have to follow suit to stay competitive ?

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  1. No I don't think so.

    The Xbox 360 Arcade is such a bare bones release of the console that its only really any good for very casual game players.

    Sony do not have a PS3 SKU that is at the same level as the Arcade version. The most limited PS3 consoled is still a d**n good machine, whereas the Arcade is pretty useless for a real gamer.

    As such, the prices between cannot be compared, unless it is like for like. If the Premium Xbox SKU is still more expensive, then Sony only really need to stay within the same price range as that.  

  2. Unlikely, PS3 have always gone for the "we cost more so we must be better" approach.

    Maybe they could start being competitive if they brought out some good non-port games?

  3. I think so if they want to attract their core PS2 casual gamer crowd. Sony is only selling consoles to those people who have $399 or 499 to burn which leaves out many casual gamers. Add to that, other than MGS4, the PS3 does not have any must have kick **** games despite what some may say. The blu-ray drive while impressive is as useful as a 700 hp race car with no driver. Sony needs to market a console that reaches the masses just as Nintendo has done. The magic console price point is between $250-$299 !

    The Wii doesn't sport any fancy doo-dads yet it sits atop the console wars ! Imagine that !

    Nintendo is proving games not tech specs is what gaming is all about ! The $250 Wii price tag is more casual gamer friendly !

    From all sales account, the PS3 and the 360 are basically fighting over second place !

  4. Well It has been said that Sony is soon releasing an 80GB version of the PS3 which will actually be CHEAPER! than the original.(how strange). I guess it's about time game companies give us more bang for our buck. (many many bucks) =]

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