
With the average life expectancy for a U.S. Male 75 years was Palin the right choice?

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McCain's age (72) is a factor and if something happens to him (heaven forbid), Palin would be president. She is a complete unknown to Americans, does not have much experience. Does this hurt McCain's chances?

I realize Obama does not have much experience, but at least America has gotten to know him over the past 18 months and know what he stands for and how he thinks. No one knows anything about Palin. Will Americans learn enough in the next 3 months to accept her as potentially our President?




  1. Depends on what is happening in the world.  Iran has announced 4,000 centrifuges are in operation and this was considered a line in the sand for the Israeli neocons who feel that Obama & Biden are too soft for their tastes.  So they might start something.  However, just like what happened in Georgia ( see below please)  if they do so it might just back fire on them with the voters very, very concerned about McCain's health history the details of  which he hides diligently from everyone and the very young woman backing him up ( never been to Washington, DC).

    Depends on who spins what the firstest with the mostest!

  2. Sure was.

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