
With the constant oil pricing increasing....? How can the government HELPS? WE All SEEMS to be helpless.....?

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With the constant oil pricing increasing....? How can the government HELPS? WE All SEEMS to be helpless.....?




  1. the government cant, besides producing an alternate fuel source.

    the reason the gas is costing so much is because there is not enough. Both india and china now need oil as well. its simple supply and demand.

  2. Simple,  the government needs to drill for oil and build more refineries -  logical solutions for the energy problem will get here, but not for awhile.  Burning up our food supply for fuel to run the country is not logical.

    The people running the government would like to see this country crumble to its knees and they are doing an excellent job of making it happen.

    What was the democrats solution to this problem?  Raise taxes on the oil companies.  That may make the average joe feel better, but it will not change anything.

  3. Governments could lower their taxes on fuel a bit, which you would think would help.  But they tried that here in the past, and the oil companies didn't lower the pump price -  they kept the difference instead of passing the benefit to the customer.  So there is not much more governments can do.

  4. The fall of the US Dollar is a direct result of the debt from the illegal occupation of Iraq, and the result of Cheney's secret energy policy!  Remember those 'secret' meetings that Cheney, and the oil co. had just before 9-11? They set things up so they could raise the prices at the end of their reign of corruption! If we had elected Carter for a second term, or at least kept his energy policy intact, we would not be in the mess we are in today with high prices and global warming! Carter wanted to have America to be energy independent by 2000. He put up solar panels on the White House.  The very first thing that dear ol' "Ronnie" did was to immediately remove the solar panels! That's why you now pay more for energy than you do for food!

  5. The government has no say in the price whatsoever, unless you raise the value of the dollar. Try getting OPEC to lower the price.

  6. The government is the one causing the oil price increase. They care nothing about us, only the all mighty $$.


  7. Open more land to drilling.  The oil shortage is costing the economy a billion dollars a day -- but no caribou on the ANWR need look at an oil rig.

  8. Pres Carter saw this coming 30 years ago. He proposed a massive energy independence program for the US with 20% coming from solar.

    Then REAGAN came along next and reversed all his energy programs.!!!!        

    Its been all downhill since! Youre on your own now Bud. Every man for himself.

    DRILLING will NOT HELP! The DOE says it will lower gas prices by 2 cents in 2030!!!  

    A massive conservation program is the only answer and Obama is the one who might do that.

  9. are you expecting the government to give you money?

    or free gas?

    keep in mind it takes 10 years from when they start drilling for oil, until they can sell you the gas.

    the current hue-and-cry about drilling for oil has far more to do with future oil company profits than it has to do with lowering the price of gas.

    maybe the gov't should raise the cafe standards, so car companies would be forced to make more fuel efficient cars.

    and, if they raised them high enough, the companies would have to charge more for SUVs and less for cars that get good mileage.  even better, as we get more efficient cars, the demand for gas declines, "maybe" resulting in a price drop.

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