
With the demise of the uneducated peasant worker and with it fear of the unknown ?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike long before those that peddle religion will give it up and become informed and valuable members of society?




  1. I know what ya mean man. My mother's a Christian and you should see how she dodges her taxes.

    Why can't those who peddle religion give it up and start behaving like the moral Christians do?


  2. getting money for nothing?  not having to do any economically productive work?  tax breaks?

    lol the people running the age-old money-making scam that is religion will never give all that up voluntarily

    that american cross-eyed bible-thumping loon sarah palin is pro-life and pro-guns

    how does that work???

  3. You are rather optimistic.  A very large portion of the world's population are still illiterate and peasants.

  4. Could you explain more please, I do not understand.

  5. i cant really answer your questions but i do agree with you. stop superstition stopping progress.

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