
With the ever decreasing volume of oil will this lead to mass worldwide unemployment and cause a world war?

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There can't be many more years of oil left in the ground - five maybe ten years - and no man made replacement being produced at the rate it is being used at present. I know there are bio-fuels but mankind could never keep up with demand and be safe enough in not harming the environment. What could or should be done????




  1. Wrong... There's lots of oil left.

    All of this c**p with oil is because of an artificial scarcity.


    - 2 Trillion barrels of oil are estimated in the United States Oil-Shale Reserves (USGS)

    - 580 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Russia's Arctic Ocean Shelf

    - 400 Billion barrels of oil are estimated under the Arctic Ocean

    - 175 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Oil Sands of Alberta, Canada (AGS)

    - 86 Billion barrels of oil are estimated on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States (MMS)

    - 32 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in ANWR, NPRA and the Central North Slope in Alaska (USGS)

    - 31.4 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the East Greenland Rift Basins Province (USGS)

    - 15 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Jack field in the Gulf of Mexico

    - 7.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the West Greenland–East Canada Province (USGS)

    - 4.3 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana, United States (USGS)

    - 214 Million barrels of oil are estimated in the Illinois Basin, United States (USGS)

    And... For Comparison:

    - 260 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Saudi Arabia (EIA)

    - 80 Billion barrels of oil are estimated in Venezuela (EIA)

  2. The north pole,south pole will trade positions long before oil is gone.The only way to curb oil consumption,is raise prices

  3. no actually at some point oil will be gone for ever we will have to be in the 1700's either its horse back or walk cause if no one comes up with something then we'll be like learning to walk we fall and we try again so we have to figure out something and if you wasn't to see what will happen if we don't run out of gas then go to

  4. Like "Wordemp" said there is plenty of oil, you can bet that it won't run out in your life time, so if I were you I would not worry about it.

  5. No because we will do this ......

    The Democratic Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices

    This is how we will do it. And this why we will do it.

    This country has so much under used industrial capacity in our

    Auto Plants, Airplane Plants, Steel Plants and Electronics Plants to

    make America Energy Independent in 2 to 5 years. We can build enough

    windmills and solar power and wave generation and geothermal energy plants to

    replace 90% of all of the electricity generated by COAL and NATURAL


    For $400 Billion we could build 400,000 windmills and provide

    electricity for every home in America .

    And we would reduce carbon emmisions by at least 25%.

    The Coal and Natural Gas saved by Green Replaceable Elecrrical

    Generation can now be used to make fuel for cars, trucks, busses,

    boats and airplanes, and or plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and


    We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in

    endeavors that benefit 99% of America.

    Howard Scott Pearlman


    Tony Mullen

  6. i think that the world should just go bakc to how it was in the renaisance. but with now technology. Destroy all guns, tanks, army planes, bombs, and just go backv tot he renaisance or middle ages.... except for the feudalism. No more cars, or planes. Only what we have that is good. Cares arent good they ruin the envirmoent and waste our money. I think we should all just jump ack 600 years ago. too bad its impossible :P

  7. Oh, ABSOLUTELY! I think we should tell everyone that corn is necessary for alternative fuels, and cause a giant recession and food shortage. Here's what we should do: give the socialists (or environmentalists, whichever name you prefer) all the power, relinquesh all our freedom to them, and let them control all of our lives!

    Let them CAUSE a recession by saying we need all the corn to power our vehicles, and not allowing us to drill for all the oil we could possibly need in our own country.

    Then, once they control all our resources, we can turn to the people with the answers--the socialists, (or environmentalists, whichever name you prefer), who will give everyone exactly what they need and we'll never have to work again.

    Let them kill off all the "less fit" of the species, such as handicapped children, elderly people in wheelchairs, unborn babies, and anyone with a communicable disease so that we won't overpopulate the earth.

    Then let them do away with anybody who has any belief in God, Christ, the Bible or anything else that makes them feel guilty for the wrongs they do.

    Then all of these perfect, environmentally correct people can stand around in their perfect world, until they realize that the person standing next to them isn't as perfect as they are, and kill each other off, until FINALLY, the only people left are the environmentalists (socialists) who started it all, and they can have complete power over an empty, but perfect world.

  8. Keep governments out of the way and let oil companies find more oil, and build more refineries. The decreasing volume is because of government policies.

    Mass unemployment will result from Lib greenies destroying the free enterprise system, piling on taxes, bans, and mandates and empowering an ever bigger, more intrusive socialist style government.

    My country was founded on the individual's ability to solve problems- not an out of control state.

  9. Irrespective of how many barrels there are the fact remains the more we use the less there is. Even if the price does rise even more it will mean the countries that can still afford it will maintain their production industries. Leaves little scope for the poorer developing nations. So maybe the major industrial nations want the price hike? The next war? Religion or water.

  10. War never solves anything.  Just gives the government the right to ration EVERYTHING especially fuel.  


             Why are you not asking GM and Ford why they are so QUIET these days.....why are they not coming out with energy efficient cars/trucks and the like?          

       As for bio-fuels.....they were never an alternative.     If ALL the farmable land was made for biofuel production(none for food), the alcohol obtained from all the farmed land now used in the world would not equal 1 days useage of oil.

         I think they are trying to wean us off gas by making it cost.    I drive 1/3rd the amount I used to.  So, it really doesn't affect my standard of living.  I use a computer and shop via my chair instead of driving around searching in stores.

       Government is NOT gonna wait till ALL the oil is used up, to figure out what to do next, they need a cushion to fall back in case the choices do not work right away.(and they won't) as big oil/big auto/big chemical has stifled experimentation in "alternate fields" for such a long time.   And they need it for the military (number 1).  So joe public has to tough it out and make do.

  11. I think people should become less reliant on their cars.  I walk everywhere.

  12. and I guess you believe diamonds are rare also.

  13. The amount of oil is a very tricky thing to predict. However, I will give my comments on the question of what would come next:

    Before we run out of oil, the price will be far too expensive and alternate fuels will become more prevalent. My guess is on bio-fuels since our infrastructure is build on burning fuel (cars,planes...etc). Another making a push is battery power since it is overall more efficient form of transporting power. With the change the job markets will shift in trying to support this change.

    If the environmental concerns become an issue and reduction in the use of energy, I am suspecting there will be a shift in job to increase the effort in research, and waste cleanup (perhaps a loss in jobs). This does not really have to do with the loss of oil but a environmental movement.

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