
With the food shortage, will it be harder to find food, or will the food just cost more money?

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The food shortage because of climate. Will food be harder to find?




  1. I don't think that anyone in any developed country will starve, or even go hungry. I would think that most likely food prices would rise slightly.

  2. both

  3. what food shortage? the price of gas is causing food prices to go up. this ethanol bit is not the problem with food prices just good old fashand liberalism. call your senators and tell them you want us to pump our owne oil.

  4. In theory, IF climate change happens, both things would occur. Food creation might be harder and the law of supply and demand kicks in, so as the food amount decreases the price increases.

    But don't worry, we Amercians will come to the rescue again and find a way to solve any problem.

  5. Both! it's supply and demand at its best baby

  6. It is not the Climate, it is all the Eco-freaks and their Bio-fuel craze,

    Stop alternative energy programs based on ethanol and bio fuels.

      South America and the US used to export food. Now all that food is wasted and turned into gas that costs more per gallon, the production emits CO2 and on average uses 30 gallons of pure drinkable water (a resource that is getting scarcer on this planet) while increasing the basic cost of food.

       We need to start drilling for more oil, besides gasoline other by products are fertilizer,  natural gas, diesel, and of course plastic. All at a lower energy cost and no consumption of food except by the workers.

  7. Combine shortage of food and higher price of fuel and you got HIGHER PRICES

  8. Because suppliers arent able to provide a large amount of food the prices would increase because the demand for food would be high. Suppliers arent trying to make a lost so they must increase the price because there methods of getting the food has become even more difficult than what it was

  9. Well, it will be harder to find, making it cost more.  The rich will still be fat, the poor starving.

  10. Not just climate.  Food crops are being diverted for ethanol production because of sjyrocketing oil prices.  This reduces food supply, which drives prices up.

  11. with supply and demand-

    food prices will soar

  12. Food is always alvailable somewhere for the right price. You could probably even live safely off the land as long as you know what and what not to eat and when hunting and fishing seasons are open. With this great commodity available to you, I think we should be more worried about the overall prices we'll have to pay and assume the food whether in the US and abroad is properly inspected before we consume and of course he out rages prices.

  13. Everything will cost more money it has already started and in another 3 years things will be really bad

  14. The price will go up until it is too attractive and more farms are started.  I know everyone thinks we can't just go and plant more corn but that's the great thing about plants you can "plant" more of them.  Before someone goes and says there isn't any room, try going to northern michigan, kansas, Oklahoma, idaho, I could go on and on with this.....

  15. not for family and friends.  We grow our own veggies and raise or hunt our meat.

  16. More people less farm out put

    Common sense it will cost you more and the grocery store will have less throw away they have not in fresh produce

    It is the canned foods that will show the price first

  17. Both. Less food. More people trying to get the food. Food prices go up.

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