
With the genuine globalization of the world, why can't we all just start using Greenwich Mean Time...?

by Guest63622  |  earlier

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i.e., Zulu time and do away with these time zones? This is for very practical reasons that I ask this. For example, I'm tired of friends from Hawaii calling me at 4 a.m. to chat about American Idol because they don't understand that they're 6 hours earlier than I am. I had a great superbowl party all set at my house, and messed up and told everyone that kickoff starts at 3:18 pm EST, when no, that was erroneous, kickoff wasn't until 6:18 pm EST. Do you follow? This time zone stuff is confusing to a lot of us, why don't we simply adopt a new convention and all agree to follow one clock, Zulu time? Of course, it will be a transition for people who aren't used to utter darkness at 13:00, but in time, I'm sure that this will better serve all us, no?

Thank you, you splendid people.




  1. The reason for time zones is because the sun rises and sets in each part of the world at a different time. Even if we all had the same clock times, your friends in Hawaii would be in the late evening when it would be well after dark where you are. Imagine being in an eastern country and having to get up in the dark work all day in the dark, then go to bed as the sun was just coming up!

  2. because it would be high noon in Greenwich and on the other side of the world which i remind you is dark it would also be high noon. kinda leaves something to be desired.

  3. Let's go one step better.  Why can't we all be on the metric system?  It is much easier to multiply or divide by 10, 100, 1000,  etc., instead of 12 inches, 3 feet, 5280 feet, 640 acres, 9 square feet, 2000 pounds, etc.

  4. It would be practical and much easier of us.

    But technically, it is not. As we rotate and the sun's rays strike the earth, it already dictates time. If it is day there, and night here, it won't be logical to say we're of both time. It won't be a valid fact that we should have the same time zones since we want it easy and convenient. We should also consider its scientific and logical factors.

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