
With the golden ratio occuring so often in nature does this indicate a creator of some sort?

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It is possible that a creator would be more random but also it may be that the creator(s) are very logical and made things to a pattern, like an architect designing a building...everything to scale?? maybe




  1. No - you do not need to invoke a creator to explain away serendipity.

  2. what are you on about.............

  3. No, the exact opposite in fact.

    If everything is formed in mathematically proven paterns, instead of on a whim, it points to chemical mergers and the law of natural science inevitably reaching that point, not some all mighty superbeing who can wish anything into existence on a whim.

    If god just made us, we wouldn't have had to be based on the same structure that governs rock formations, or how the divvets in leaves control the way rain water flows over them, unless this all might god up there could only think of one possible way for creating everything in existence and then just got stuck and couldn't go any further.

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