
With the nomination of Barack Obama do you think America Still has a problem with race?

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  1. One man does not represent the end to a problem.

  2. Not America as a whole, but parts of America YES.  Just take a look at parts of Louisiana where there are areas blacks don't dare to go, because there are still active KKK members.

  3. Yes, many people will not vote for him simply because he is black.  Its a problem and always will be.  People want a president they can identify with, and sadly white upper class cannot relate to minorities, and many don't want to.  He scares people, because they think he's going to start giving to minorities at the expense of whites.  This is an issue people wont openly discuss, but is being heavily discusses in the privacy of pre-dominantly white suburbs across the nation.  Besides, black people are racist against whites.  Its just human nature, people can pretend all they want but everyone is racist.  We're all affraid of something different, some people just fake it better than others.

  4. America is not monolithic.  I don't think....I know that some people have an issue with race and some do not.

  5. If you have ever browsed through the questions here from the Republicans the answer is an emphatic yes.

  6. Yes, but it's not surprising--we had "colored-only" drinking fountains a bare 50 years ago. Race and racism are just very subconscious and very underground.

    But it's getting better every day.  

  7. um yeah! he is only half black and half white and a muslim turned christian.. when we vote into office a full black southern baptist and he doesnt get assassinated then yes the race war is over.

  8. Yes, but most of us live between the extremes.

  9. no  


    and the 3/5 man was a compromise between the north and south south wanted to count all blacks while the north didn't want to count any blacks so they compromised for every 5 blacks it counts towards 3 people for the census to see how many Representatives the south would get in congress nothing to do with blacks not being a full person and it is in the constitution not a supreme court ruling

  10. Yes, and I think it will show up more so in the general election when some people will flat out not vote for a black man even if they think he is the best choice.  Even if the say they don't mind - no one is in the booth to check when they vote.

  11. The problem with the supposition of this question is not understanding that there is a 'problem' with Race as long as people are identified by it.  Barak, if elected, would be the first Black President, not just another President.  That is the problem in my estimation.

    When the Democrap nomination race got down to Barak and Hilary, Yahoo News had the most irresponsible headline I have seen.  "Black women will now have the most difficult choice...".  This presumes that they are voting solely on race or gender.  This, for a good portion of people, seems to be the case.

  12. Considering that America doesn't have one collective brain, I'd say that yes, some Americans do still have a problem with race.  If you disagree with me, take a visit to the south and check it out.

  13. America doesn't have a problem with race. Certain people do.

  14. In some ways yes however in other more important ways no.

    We are always going to have a few idiots who are racist and choose not to understand a culture but rather only vilified it. Fortunately, more and more of those people are dying off and hopefully it won't be such a problem.

  15. Of course all you hear about Obama is that he is black. When the country stops seeing everything black and white and see's that we are all americans it will be a better country. Racism comes in alot of different ways its not just racism on blacks from whites either, it swings both ways.

    Why is it people act like there arent black racists? And i live in the North not the south and there is still plenty of racism going on up here. Racism wont end till people want it to end and stop hiding behind it.

  16. I think only the blacks and Democrats have a problem with race.  And of course the occasional psychopath/psychotic.

  17. Maybe they do ,maybe they don't. This is not about race this is about being the better candidate for the American people and the world... Mc Cain / Palin will get the job done. Country

  18. Everywhere in the world there are people who have problems with race.

  19. As long as theres races, we'll have a problem with race. Lets just be glad now that their the minority.

  20. Yes and s*x also-look how the Demo's have jumped on Palin.

  21. Yes, racism in reverse.

  22. I believe *some* Americans have a problem with race.  some Black Americans and , some White Americans.

    However, I do not believe that America has a problem with race.

    Everyone needs to grow up a bit and let alone those who are ignorant enough to think race matters.  

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