
With the offensive things said by Obama's mentors, do you get the idea he can't say what he truly believes?

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Obama associates with people who say things like:

White people are devils.

The United States deserved to have the attacks on September 11th.

They are ashamed of our country.

The Clinton's are racists.

Since he has chosen to associate for years with the people who are making these statements, do you think he may also share these views, but not be sharing them publicly because he wants votes?




  1. You're going to have to source some of these so-called quotes.  Are they actual quotes, or are you twisting them into something that sounds much more inflammatory?

    Who said what, and what exactly was said?  For instance, are you claiming that Farrakhan is one of his mentors?  Obama has never associated with Farrakhan, nor has he ever supported or defended that guy's politics.

    What do you mean by "associate."  Are we playing "six degrees of Kevin Bacon?"  Smear by association.

    Now let's contrast that with things said by Rev. Hagee, who McCain SOUGHT OUT, and stated HE WAS PROUD TO HAVE HIS ENDORSEMENT.

    Of course, I understand you're going to be very selective in how you apply your "standards."  Just as you are inventive in creating "mentors" and "offensive things" in the way you try to attach them to Obama.

    I get the idea that Obama does and can say what he truly believes.  Unlike Republicans and conservatives, he has a mind of his own, and can assess the value of things that others say.  It's not a Democratic trait to blindly parrot talking points and to say "Ditto" to everything some supposed "authority" says.

    Some people like to use their brains.

    Edit:  cka - you site as your source for all that nonsense, but actually has all that stuff DEBUNKED and listed as FALSE.

  2. Im sure at some  point mich will let him say something  of  his own. She's invested to much of her time to let hm have free reign now.

    When the wright time comes she'll put on her ayers and pretend to be a concerned "proud american"

  3. YES!  I get the idea.  I believe he shares these views but has not balls.  He's called a politician.  A young politician for that matter.  One who is going only for his mark in history...


  4. Absolutely.  This is the problem the Democrats have had for almost 40 years now - either they are honest about their liberalism and lose because the country is more to the center-right, or they try to obfuscate and lose because they are seen as insincere.

    Clinton was the only one who really succeeded at courting the moderate voters.  And Obama's problem is compounded by his extreme-radical associations.

  5. Well he was sworn in as senator by the Koran not the Bible. He is Muslim and although I am not against Muslims at all I do not trust this particular one. He paid 1.2 million dollars to have his plane repainted and have the american flag taken off of it, why would we have a president who would do that. He makes a good T.V. appearance but I'm worried about what he does off camera

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