
With the oil price like it is, why don't car manufacturers....?

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make cars that run on natural gas? What gives? In the '80's and 90's people were converting their vehicles to propane and natural gas all the time, but I never see it anymore, mainly because of the problem in finding somewhere to fill up. They keep working on hybrids (electric/gas), and have forgotten about the rest.

Shouldn't the gov't subsidize conversions to natural gas? What do you think?




  1. we'll if you think about it none of the cars they are coming out with that run on other types of fuels are expensive as heck. and running them on natural gas will just cause global warming levels to rocket up until we can't control them.

  2. i think its more harmful to the environment then gas/electric, and your forgetting they do have e85 ethanol out there too.

  3. I am playing big on oil trading. I’m from Morgan Stanly, or Goldman & Sachs, or any big firms on the Wall Street.

    I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $135 a barrel. (Please tell nobody:  one day on Jan. Goldman & Sachs traded a volume of barrels = US one years import in volume)

    So here is my difficulty:

    Congress is now investigating on oil speculation, I am afraid of being caught.  But if I sell them right now, I would end up with little or no profit since the trading fees and hedge fund managing cost are not cheap.

    I already request my agents send  the spin out to the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ”   But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    So my question is this:  How do I corner the market price up in time so not to get caught by Congress.?

    For your info:   Prof. Michael Greenberger’s testimony before Senate makes me very nervous.  He said: ‘If speculation were reined in and trading rules tightened, the cost of crude oil could drop 25 percent.”

    My lobby firm can work Republican party to stall passing the laws, but I am not sure for how long. I am very fearful and worried. What are the options for me ? Please advise.

  4. It depends on where you live.  Compressed natural gas is almost as expensive as gasoline in NY.

    Meanwhile, CNG is about 49 cents a gallon in Utah.  People are switching their cars over to CNG in droves.   They can fill up for $5 a tank.

  5. I think the price of natural gas is not that cheap. Our former house was heated with natural gas-It definately was not cheap.

  6. Half of our money paid at pump goes to Wall Street speculators. And we can not hear or read main media reporting them. We are kept in the dark

    “Testifying to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management said that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal cost of around $65 to $75 a barrel, about half the current $135.”

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