
With the product goodyear is putting out, will anyone buy their consumer tires?

by Guest44751  |  earlier

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really, 100 miles isn't much to ask of a tire manufacturer.




  1. yep, i got em on my truck, had em for awhile, wouldnt change em for the world

  2. Yes.Goodyear will sell no matter what.Look a Firestone and the bad PR from blow outs,they still sell.

  3. I'm loving my Goodyear Eagles on my Mustang. You obviously don't know much about tires. Racing tires are not at all like consumer tires. My old Goodyear Eagles lasted me 60,000 miles. No race tire could ever last that long.

  4. actually i bought  firestones just before all there  consumer troubles  still have them to

  5. yes they will , regular drivers arent going 150 plus on the highway , and on the street,\

    they do care of consumers because actually without regular consumers out of buisness

  6. if you're out there looking to put the same tires nascar teams use on your car, you're probably twice as dumb as i think you are and at least half as dumb as you sound.  those tires are highly specialized, and are made to last only so long for a reason.  they are very thin tires - 1/10th of an inch thick where the rubber meets the road.  and slicks at that.  they are made the way they are to meet the needs and demands of the sanctioning body, nascar, with input from the drivers and data gathered at driver tests.  

    you obviously know nothing about the process that goes into making a tire that is fast (but not too fast), that has grip, that dissipates heat, and that withstand the kinds of forces that 3400 pound race cars put on them doing up to 200 miles going into corners.

    so if you don't want to buy their tires for reasons even you don't understand, don't.  they'll live without your few hundred bucks.

  7. I'll buy 'em when the come down in PRICE.  I don't buy by name, I buy by price.

    The racing tires are special and the only thing they have in common with "street tires" is that they are round!  I'm sure the manufacturer can make racing tires that can last 5,000 miles, but the characteristics that make them last may not be characteristics that the racing TEAMS want or NEED for their racing.  Furthermore, they CHANGE these tires so frequently, WHY should the manufacturer put its efforts into the "longevity" characteristics rather than PERFORMANCE?

    Street tires need longevity and performance, but not racing performance.  They are nothing like race tires, nor SHOULD they be.


  8. Goodyear isn't putting out that tire for the public. Those are specially designed slicks (no tread) far NASCAR only.

  9. No

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