
With the resignation of New York's governor expected tonight, what new revelations will tomorrow bring?

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The Drudge Report has details about the reasons for his expected resignation.




  1. As native New Yorker and someone who usually votes democratic, I'll say this if I had the opportunity to re vote, I'm not sure that I would vote for him again.  He may have been a good Attorney General but since he's not willing to compromise he' makes a lousy governor. As attorney general he didn't have to compromise because he was enforcing the law, that's a black and white issue no gray areas.  Being a Governor means being able to compromise and to be willing to be able to see the other guys side of the story.

  2. I believe the next shoe to drop is he wasn't just a client, but took kickbacks from the operators of the prostitution ring. With the type of money being paid - and he is the top public official in the state - there seems to be possibly more to this than what is being reported.

  3. yuk, who cares..we have people dying & being maimed in war, people going homeless, losing jobs, money flying out the top. People with cancer who can't afford pain medicine. Children afriad if they go to school they will get hurt. A meth epidemic. Priorities people!

  4. I dont know if you call paying 5k for a prostitute corruption but the sheriff of wall street is finished.  I dont think it would be so harmful if he had not been the attorney general of ny prior to being governor and ran on an anti corruption platform, promising to rid albany of any and all immoral, and corrupt behavior. Theres gonna be a new sheriff in town.

  5. That he's also a cross dresser!

  6. The New York Times actually broke the story.

  7. Corruption in the NY Dem Party. Imagine that. Bill and Hillary are really showing their influence now.

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