
With the rising cost of gas, do you think the schools will start charging to ride the bus?

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I hope not but I'm prepared if they do.




  1. No. But maybe the door to door limo service will stop. and kids that live within three miles of the school should start walking.Maybe they might get some real exercise that way.

  2. They already charge for the ride.  It's called TAXES.  The taxes will just go up some more.

  3. i bet taxes will rise. half of my property taxes go to the school district.

  4. Probably, but it's politicaly tricky as everyone wants everything free - which is impossible of course. So, strategically, they will probably raise taxes in accordance to inflation (rise in the cost of day-to-day living).

    But, they might be intelligent and draw a perimeter of two thirds of a mile around the school and decide that every kid within walking distance doesn't need to take then bus and do some exercice. A very good mesure: kids walk, do some exercices and it doesn't cost squat!

    Of course, parents will freak out for safety reason. As good coach potatoes, they listen and read all the negative news and believe that outside their places, only predators and rapist live (duh, 85% of north americans don't know their neighbors). So, emotional and full of fear parents won't look at the facts, statistics or factors of change and will boycott transportation alternatives and demand for school transportation. Of course, the same parents will have to send their kids to get killed or lose a couple of limbs in Iraq or Afghanistan so the same bus can keep rolling.

    Hail America, land of the free.

  5. Many schools already charge.  My school district has charged a small fee for years.  It's not really fair to those who don't ride the bus to use their money to pay for it.  

    I encourage kids to walk as soon as they're old enough.  It's good exercise.

  6. No.  Public education receives funding from the government which is more than capable of handling high gas prices.

  7. Where I live they are talking about 4 day weeks.  The days would be longer, but the buses would only run 4 days.  I've never heard of charging to ride the school bus.  That would bite!

  8. It'll happen if the government thinks there's a buck to be made. They'll call it a "school transit surcharge".

    With so many kids being classified as being "obese", maybe it's time the little darlings start walking again. What a novel idea.

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