
With the rules on how long to keep makeup, how do you keep track of when you bought what?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Take a clear piece of tape and stick it to each of your makeup items. Then use a permanent marker to write the date you bought it over the tape. Thats what i do, i think its a good system.

  2. they have experation tags you can buy to put on them!

  3. I keep everything in a little notebook:

    The product

    The type of product (eyeliner, concealer, etc.)

    The company

    The day I bought it

    The first day I opened it and first used it

    A very organized little notebook!  It's so cute and helps me keep track of my makeup stuff.

  4. Usually 3-6 months for anything liquid, since it breaks down quicker.  A year of two for anything solid.  

    But that's mostly to avoid contamination of germs, or to keep products at their peak.  You can keep items for items, and they will work just fine, until the color or smell goes bad.

    Personally I go shopping once or twice a year, always in the same month, and replenish or replace items then.

  5. Write the date you bought it with permenant marker, then put tape over it so it won't wear off.

    Hope this helps!

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