
With the shape of the yankees rotation, any chance they ask Clemens to come back?

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With the shape of the yankees rotation, any chance they ask Clemens to come back?




  1. no hes done just like bonds

  2. no way!!

  3. Even though I am an avid Yankees fan I certainly hope not.  

    By the way, does anyone remember when baseball was...well baseball. i.e. before the 1994 strike.  That was when baseball was baseball...just not the same anymore.

    Sorry about the rant!! :)

  4. it's not as bad as seems. yeah, they got blown up by the rangers a couple times but don't forget the rangers have the best offense in the league.  

  5. nope, steriods finished him


  7. Clemens is going to jail

  8. no wayy ! when was the last time clemens pitched... in the 1800s? lol jk but i dont want a steroid jerk coming back

  9. clemens is never coming back

  10. I really think Clemens is done. I would be very surprised to see him playing for the Yankees again. The Yankees will trade for pitchers and try to develope the minor league pitchers in the Yankee organization.

  11. Absolutely not.

    He's a disgrace to the Yankees and all of Baseball.

  12. They should ask Yogi Berra to come back and play cather w/ all of the injurys

  13. never im pretty positive hes done.

    i don't think the rotation is as bad as people may think..

    Wang is definitely done until at least September if not the whole season

    Mussina is our ace right now with 15 wins

    Pettite is 12-9 so hes good when hes good but sometimes inconsistent

    Ponson has been a great pickup and wins games for the Yankees

    Kennedy is back of the dl and starting tonight so hopefully hes better

    Giese was entered into the rotation with the injury to joba

    so the rotation isn't in bad shape and with everything that went on during the off season im pretty sure Clemens wont be showing his face around baseball again and i don't think the Yankees would want or need them

  14. They'd have better luck bring back Nolan Ryan at this point.

  15. It'd be surprising, but I don't think so.

  16. i like wat cbeebs05 said. baseball was baseball until we were born.

  17. Let's see...

    It would be expensive.

    A PR nightmare, disgusting even the most ardent fan.

    But he might win a game or three, so yeah they might.

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