
With the threat of "Global Warming", should I invest in a "Cool" stock?

by Guest58596  |  earlier

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Or should we dismiss Al Gore as the swindler he is?




  1. If what he says is true as well as all the other scientst, investing wont do you or anybody else any good. The ice is melting & it has to go somewhere. Maybe investing in floatation devices would be good!

  2. Global Warming has been a reality for years . There's a lot of money to be made in pollution and it's only now when the early stage consequences are visible that the "Powers That Be" can't dismiss it .

    I consider it as the major problem facing us , our children , and our grandchildren .

    It is a battle that can only be properly fought on a Global Basis . Quite often in our private lives a major drama can bond people together . Here's hoping our politicians can meet the challenge.

    But at the end of the day they are only "bit-part" players , as we all are. We all ( or a significant number ) have to accept  some degree of responsibility .

    I believe Market Forces can definitely  play a significant  part in us "cleaning up our act".

    So ... after that ramble I guess my answer is .. yes.

    As for Al Gore .... sorry , not an American .... don't know him. But whenever there is a major movement in investment or marketing trends the shysters are lingering so be wary.

  3. Yea, Invest In Antarctica............

    It's A Pretty HOT Investment These Days................

  4. Stocks for building boats/arks in our new waterworld.

  5. Invest in an Ark!

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