
With the vast amount of evidence that suggest global warming is not caused by man why do people believe it is?

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With the vast amount of evidence that suggest global warming is not caused by man why do people believe it is?




  1. Mu question is will all of these believers admit to being wrong when it is proven we have nothing to do with it. People can not understand simple math. CO2 .0001% of atmoshpere. Man made contributions .0001%. Water vapor is the biggest culprit but that can not be taxed like CO2 emmisions.

  2. Because it's become a political issue and the socialists see it as a way to pry more money out of people using the threat of total planetary destruction as an incentive.

    Also the very ignorant believe in it because they feel guilty and don't have enough education to dispute it.

    It's not working since most people don't believe the hoax, but the politicians have locked into it because they see the potential for unlimited revenue.

    In other words, we're screwed even though AGW is a proven scam.

  3. perhaps because there is no such evidence. you don't cite sources so why should i?

  4. Because the main stream media wants them to.

  5. Exactly what evidence it that?  This baloney?

  6. "A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices."

       William James

    That particularly applies to the guy who says environmentalists are all socialists.

    What vast evidence are you talking about.  There is vast evidence showing that man is contributing to global warming.

    And since the overwelming evidence shows that, your use of the word "believe" would be better applied to the skeptics.

    Here is a true explanation of what is meant by climate scientists "believing" the theories, and what "consensus"  really means.    The Cold Truth about Global Warming  by Joseph Romm

  7. Actually, most people don't care one way or another.

    Science is full of screwballs and screwball theories.  Most of the time people just nod their head and humor these scientists.  Who cares one way or another what happened in the first 1 trillionth of a second after the big bang.  That going to affect the price of gasoline?

    When the theory says we have to trash the world's economy  (well actually just the USA, China and India and everyone else gets a free pass) because something really really bad is happening ... all of a sudden people want evidence that is  solid and definite.  And even then there is no guarantee people will change.  The effects of alcohol, tobacco smoke, automobile accidents, etc. are all VERY well know, but people still willing partake.

    But to answer your question, it gives meaning to their lives to tell others how to live theirs.  Even if they can't follow their own advice.

    The "vast amount of evidence" is simply past ice age and glaciation cycles that are unexplained.  If the past is not explained by a theory, why does anyone believe they can predict the future with the same non-theory?

    People are just not that grossly stupid.

    The US spends a gazillion dollars on weather forecasting so they can bomb the c**p out of its enemies, not because there is any interest in what may or may not happen 200 years from now.  For that the Air Force just needs the next 3 or 4 days.

  8. I know.

    The true science says that it is the Sun that is causing most of the recent warming that we have been hearing about.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is only accountable for less than 5% of greenhouse gases and we only make about 5% of that. (About 90-95% of Greenhouse Gases is Water Vapor)

    The reason for increased CO2 is because as the oceans become heated, they cannot hold as much as they could if they were cooler, so the oceans release the excess into the atmosphere. From what I hear, the oceans can hold many times more energy and heat then the air. This meaning that the atmosphere should have very little effect on the oceans and that the sun or perhaps the Earth itself is heating up the surface since those are two of the only things that could heat our vast oceans.

    Also, the Earth hasn’t warmed in nearly a decade but has actually fallen and it has fallen greatly within the past 2 years. Many scientists believe we are about to go through another little ice age.

    Many scientists are skeptical about Anthropogenic Global Warming.

    These are some resources:

    Al Gore had a chart in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that showed the similarities of Carbon Dioxide and temperature. The thing that he doesn't tell you is that there is a gap in which the temperature rises before the CO2 which should be the exact opposite if his theory is correct. Watch “The Great Global Warming Swindle”

    Polar bears are NOT being endangered but actually the exact opposite.

    That is my point of view on the issue and I strongly encourage you to watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" ( all the way through even if you don't want to. It is a great source of information and if you want to know the truth, you need to see both sides of the story.

    Another great resource is

  9. LOL!

    I love how deniers think they can just claim "we have scientific evidence" and people will believe them.

    That's why I asked this question:;...

    Not surprisingly, there is virtually no evidence suggesting that global warming is not caused by humans, as is evident not only from the answers to that question, but also the scientific literature.

    If you think there is some vast amount of evidence that nobody is aware of, put up or shut up.  Until then, you've answered your own question.  Because there is none.

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