
With the way things are going, are you ready??

by  |  earlier

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Wars over oil, food prices rising, people treaty their fellowman like c**p, climate run amok and with the way things are going, who is ready for the end of the world as we know it?




  1. I'm actually having a great time.

    Is being happy also necessary for the end of the world as we know it? At least the unhappy world is over.

  2. You have good points. I personally think the end of the world is coming but not in our lifetime. I have a theory that Mars, was once a planet with life of our own. There's sources of water and oxygen and I think over time the civilians eventually just destroyed the planet, making it not a living environment. Hence all our knocking down of trees, metropolitian, toxins in the air, hatred, economic crisis. We're eventually going to bring down our own planet!  

  3. I'm not ready but I don't think we have a choice.  I'm just trying to prepare for the unknown.....

  4. We need to look to natural sources for energy like solar, wind and geo thermal energy that will help with all that you have mentioned.  When you say end of the world I am assuming the way we  live and thne polotics and BS of this time.  Our world as it is must end in order for it to become better for us.  The plkanet will survive but will we?  Energy is the key.

  5. Sure why not. Be something different.

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