
With today's economy the way it is......??

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Do you have any sympathy at all for people coming in here saying they can't afford vet care?? I understand the situation with NEW pets but what about pets they've had for years and years??




  1. I have only carried one animal to the vet and that was to get a male cat fixed.  Also all of my animals have lived to an old age.  Occasionally for emergencies vets are ok but why waste money on them on a regular basis.

  2. I wouldn't say I have sympathy. But I can understand that money can be tight sometimes.

    A pet is a responsibility. The pet should get proper vet care.

    Where there's a will, there's a way; they could set up payment plans, they could get a credit card and put the vet bill on that, they could borrow money from a family member or friend, and I've also seen different organizations that help with vet care when people can't afford it.

    If my dog was in trouble and I needed money, you bet your derriere I'd find it. Even if I meant doing something I normally wouldn't do, such working nights as a stripper for a few weeks.


  3. This is a very sad side-effect of a bad economy.  Our animal shelters are beginning to fill up with unwanted pets that people can no longer afford.  And yes, I do sympathize.  Vet bills are expensive.  Unfortunately, more and more people are being forced into the position of deciding what they must live without, and pets are starting to fall into that category.  So please....


  4. Of course.

  5. I do understand that many people are having trouble meeting ends, what with high gas prices and everything at higher cost because of it.   I think people can be resourceful though, without sacrificing their pet's health.  If they need vaccinations for their pets, there are many low cost clinics.   And people can always voice their money concerns to their vet--many will work with a client to offer good care within their budget.  Emergency care may be another story though.

  6. yea,But what can we do?

    Everything is run by the dollar. it'ssad.No one wants to make sacrafices anymore., it's all greedy corporations and Corrupt Government agencys that give em that sort of power over us.

    Idk. i Just think we Ought to Live more like a family.

    Like a dentists here in america. trading things with people for dental work.. they gaveem Bikes. antiques. things of that sort. in trade for dental work. It was asmall town too.. so the entire world should Just be more like a family,

  7. i dont understand for even new pets, dogs are like babies you never know whats going to happen they can get sick anytime, and if people dont know that then they shouldnt even consider getting a dog, my sympathy ran out a long time ago.

  8. I would be sympathetic about the pets they have had for years and not understand why they are buying new ones with the way the economy is.

    Your comment/question seems back asswards to me.

  9. This is where pet insurance comes in handy.

  10. Not really.

    Economy sucks, yes, but would they deny their CHILDREN medical care if their life or the way they functioned depended on it? Probably not.

    It's pretty selfish when you think about it. You took on the pet a while back. That was a promise to take care of through the good times AND the bad, for its entire lifetime.

    A pet is a commitment. No and's, if's, or but's.

  11. If you care about your pets (as you should)...then you can come up with the $60 to take them to the vet and find out what's wrong with them. Cut back on your starbucks and McDonalds and take care of your pets.

    I've spent $1000's on vetcare for my pets...I ♥ Care Credit!

    Edit: To clear up my feelings on this...if you have the means to cut back and give your pets vet care...then that's what you need to do...they are your responsibility. If cutting back isn't an option...then you do what you have to...and yes I sympathize with people that are in that situation. Didn't mean to come off as Cruella Deville today :)

  12. I do have sympathy for pet owners. Maybe they had their dog for 8 years but 6 months ago they lost their job and times are hard???

    I believe you have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you even think of judging them...even then, I still like to think I can at least have sympathy for others.

    Payment plans would be kind in these times...

  13. Pet Insurance is even more expensive than human

    insurance. Vet costs are high and they will not allow

    you to make monthly payments. When pets get sick they

    require a lot of intervention and costly follow up care.

    The cost of food is always rising as well. The only thing

    not rising is the wages the human caregivers earn. Taking

    your pet to the pet yearly can also cost and the money

    just isn't there all the times.  

  14. I volunteer in breed rescue, and we are seeing a frightening increase in owner relinquish purebred dogs because the people lost their house, and can't find a rental that will accept pets or people have lost their job or have other life changes and can't afford the dogs any more.

    On the other hand, people getting a new pet need to understand the money involved and the dollar commitment before they get the cute puppy.  

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