
With what they're saying about Palin, have the liberals turned this election into a limbo contest?

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How low can you go?




  1. At least you know her daughter did not do it with a cigar.

  2. More like a bimbo contest. Beauty pageant contestant, sportscaster, busted for drunk driving, called for Alaska to secede from the USA. Sarah Palin is a whack job, celebrity wannabe, and not a very good parent.

  3. Oh Please, like the republicans never make nasty remarks about the democrats.  grow up.

  4. You obviously forget the swiftboating of 2004, in which some people who had never met Kerry bashed his service and gave the appearance they served side by side with him.

  5. Don't generalize all liberals. If you want to talk about low,how about the fact that SOME Republicans on here and in the media have attacked Obama for not wearing a freaking flag pin like a bunch of Fascists and Communists? How about spreading rumors that he's a Muslim? How about tying him to a terrorist who did horrible things when he was 8 years old?

    I'm not attacking Palin's daughter.I'm just amazed by the Republican hypocrisy, and the fact that Palin kept this under wraps thinking that no one would find out about it just like John Edwards did with his affair

    By the way,you have no room to talk.I believe it was John McCain who made an insulting joke about Chelsea Clinton,made a rape joke,called his ex-wife and his current wife a c*nt. Also,the Republicans falsely attacked John Kerry's service in 2004. They also relentlessly attacked Hillary Clinton in 1992 and did the same thing with Michelle Obama during this year

  6. Obama's campaign hasn't, much to his credit.

    The media and quite a few liberals have.

    It does raise a valid question - should women have to choose between being stay at home moms and a career?  Or, is the better question - if a male candidate had a pregnant daughter or a disabled child, should he give up his career to help care for the child?

    As far as the media goes, they'll get over it.  The job of reporters is to get the inside scoop.  If a candidate is able to keep a secret and surprise the media, then the media hasn't done it's job.  In other words, the media feels like it's been made a fool and working double time to rectify the situation.

  7. As we ALL KNOW

    had Chelsea Clinton become pregnant out of wedlock

    the right would be wailing

    its because of immoral parents

    It was fine and dandy for your choice as president to make Ugly remarks about another former President daughter, but you folks have NO disdain for that !!!

  8. Liberals have turned this into a "back at ya" kind of thing......

    where have you been the last decade..... what you are seeing is mild compared to what Liberals and Democrats have had to put up for the past decade.....

    by the way, to the first responder who says families should be off limits:  does someone need to remind you how McCain called Chelsea Clinton ugly during a Republican fund raiser????  was that off limits?????????

    Hannity and Limbaugh have been attacking peoples families for years.

  9. Hey Hipto ya mean she really did it with a weenie???  Have you heard you reap what you sow!!  I agree with the first response..Sarah should of thought of her unborn grandchild.  Now the kid is gonna know his or her coming was the big talk in 2008 election cuz gradma was more concern about her political career than her daughter and unborn grandchild privacy.  I suppose the beauty queen thing says alot about her ego and who comes first in her mind.  Shame on you Sarah!!!

  10. Families should be off limits.

    But we do need to look at what Sarah Palin has done here.

    Firstly, with 5 kids to look after, and a working husband, she has chosen to take up a demanding political career above the needs of her own family. Looking after 5 kids is not easy - she's stretching herself in too many directions. Something will go wrong.

    Secondly, in recently accepting the VP offer from McCain, she has chosen to put her young pregnant daughter under the media spotlight, preferring to further her own career. If she had ambitions, she should have deferred them for her daughter's sake.

    Thirdly, many Republicans are going to be deeply embarrassed by this. They have worked hard, tirelessly, to promote Republican values, and within a couple days she's got problems to share (I bet I know what Bush thinks of her).

    Finally, many women choose not to have children so they can dedicate themselves to their career. Fine. But Palin is trying to have both – a family of five children  -  and a demanding career.

    She’s stretched in too many directions.

    Palin has brought this issue on herself and the Republican party.

    Family commitments come first.

  11. It's what they,  

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