
Within Yahoo Groups messages which have attached pics are not displaying the pictures. What needs to change?

by  |  earlier

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I'm guessing that I need to change a browser setting to correct this problem, but I don't know what needs to change.

When I view a message in a yahoo group which has an embedded jpg my browser shows all the text but in place of the picture is a box saying the jpg name and words above it that say ATTACHMENT NOT DOWNLOADED.

So, how do I view such pictures? There is no link available to display the picture as a separate action. So I'm pretty sure that browser security or some other setting needs to change.

Would appreciate help to solve this problem.






  1. this is a question often asked. Yahoo does not store those to the archives. web readers or digest members will not see them. the setting that needs to be changed is your own mail preferences, set to individual mail.

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