
Within my Yahoo Group calendar, why does the event reminder I set for myself go out to ALL GROUP MEMBERS?

by  |  earlier

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I scheduled a non recurring event (appointment) for myself and reminder for 1 day prior, in the Group calendar. Apparently, the reminder was sent out to ALL group members, posted on the front page, and I got an email from the moderator asking me not to do to do i fix this or is that the way reminders in Yahoo Groups are supposed to behave?




  1. You can't set group calendar reminders to just go out to one person - they go out to all members who have their email delivery set to receive messages.

    Instead of using the Yahoo Group calendar, you can use your own personal Yahoo calendar and send reminders to yourself.

    Go to and sign in.  When you make changes on it, make sure to click Update and/or Save at bottom of page.  It works quite a bit like the group calendar.

  2. a group calendar is just that, for the whole group- it's not a personal calendar. this is the way it works- they go to the homepage archives and out to members who have individual and digest mail.

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