
Within the child care sector how do you ensure the voice of the child is heard?

by Guest65019  |  earlier

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Within the child care sector how do you ensure the voice of the child is heard?




  1. By listening to them and giving them chances to express them selves, via appopriate questions, interacting with them in their play, circle time, as apart of the daily routines, etc.

  2. Look up

    United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (Bernard Van Leer Foundation have a free book on this)

    It has all sorts of information on this sort of thing

    Other ideas:

    -Having circle times-where children can take turns to talk to the group eg: show and tell-bring in something from home, photo, toy etc or staff can bring in an item for discussion. Similar you can read a story which has an issue you want to discuss eg: "the new baby", "going to the dentist", "bullying" and afterwards you can discuss in a group.

    -Ensure that adults do not talk over the children-if a child is talking then let them talk rather than interupt them.

    -Have visual ruleboard with rules such as "we talk quietly" (that way you can hear children better and shyer children can feel more able to speak out), we listen to our friends etc.

    -If a child looks upset rather than asking questions just say "you look sad"-this way the children can CHOOSE whether they are ready to talk rather than feeling pressured!

    -if child is a slow talker give them a chance to get their sentence out-if you ask a question dont get frsutrated if they dont answer within a few seconds-sometimes takes children a while to put thoughts into words!

    -for older children you can have a school council, a problem box etc.

    -spend time with children one to one to ensure they have time with you to talk if they are ready.

    -make sure you are at childs level, give eye contact, look interested, and smile---if child feels you will listen then they will talk!

    -realise children can communicate without need to talk-have drawing and writing areas available for chidlren to write letters, draw pictures-these often hold clues to what children are thinking, what is important etc. Also painting, art, music..any creative where chidlren express themselves.

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