
Within the next few years, do you think paris, france would be more expensive?

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more cheap, or the same to live




  1. It is getting more and more expensive.......especially if you are going their with the USD....You will be in for a big surprise...

    But Paris is not the most expensive...London is just CRAZY!

  2. Looking at the current inflation, Paris is more expensive than ever, not to talk about it getting more and more expensive!!!

  3. There are two things in question here, inflation in the EU and the exchange rate of dollar vs. Euro.

    I believe that the EU will be more inclined to worry about inflation than other economic problems and that because they will act on it, inflation will be moderate.

    I believe that the dollar has reached its bottom vs. the euro and will appreciate slowly until it reaches a rate on the order of $1.15 = 1.00 euro in the next 24-30months. This assumes that the USA ends its idiotic Iraq policy in this time period.

    The European economy is inherently considerably weaker than the American and in the long run the dollar will overcome even the half wit policies of George Bush.

    I therefore expect that Paris will become relatively less expensive than it is at the moment within a few years.

  4. The European Union isn't pumping as much money into their economy as the U.S.  Which mean the prices in Paris, as seen by Paris will not be effected that much.  But, if you plan to travel just to visit or saving US dollars to move there,  it will definitely be more expensive because the U.S. dollar is depreciating.

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