
Without first hand knowledge how can anyone from an opinon on global warming?

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I have done some first hand research on the subject and have much data that shows how global warming is not casued by man.




  1. oh yup you have alot of data saying that global warming isnt something caused by humans


    talk to al gore

    the man would have 500x more data than you saying global warming IS caused by humans

    if you really do have first hand knowledge then why arent you holding seminars around the world???

  2. If your going to try and act like you know science, which you don't, at least spell words correctly and use correct grammar

  3. first hand knowledge is something that you go out and get yourself. ie you going out and measuring temps and constricting models based on those temps so you would have to be in the field doing research. how much field work do you do?

    btw how many scientists call things they don't like liberal?;...

  4. What is "first hand knowledge"?  I'm confused.

    Did you take the temperature readings yourself?

    Or did you take other people's readings, but do the statistical analysis yourself?

    Or did you take other people's statistical analysis and form your own conclusions?

    Or did you take other people's conclusions, and develop your own opinion?

    I'm not doubting your final opinion about global warming.  I'm just trying to determine your definition of "first hand knowledge."

    Thanks for the clarification!

  5. Just think! You could win a Nobel Prize for your "first hand research"! lol!

  6. I totally agree with you.  There is no global warming, in fact it's the biggest hoax ever started.  The most expensive too.

    Al Gore should shut up, give back his Nobel prize, and slide off into oblivion.

  7. The problem I have is the alarmist are not willing to say " We just don't know for sure." Nowhere else in Science has a theory been so quickly promoted to fact. The unprecedented way it has been so widely accepted is disturbing to me. At no other time has a theory been so politicized. I think there is still some very reasonable doubt and to allow governments to act on a unproven theory is criminal.

  8. Anyone can form an opinion on anything first hand knowledge just gives you more information to which you can form your opinion

  9. We have first hand knowledge from Al Gore. He showed us a movie, and it showed us polluting and spewing smoke from our factories. Then the camera paned to the melting glacier and you could see it was the smoke that spewed from the factory that made the ice melt. It was awesome. Then someone in the news said that Al Gore uses 23 times as much electricity as the average family. This made me wonder if he was a credible source on the issue.

  10. Have you also looked into the Flat Earth Society? we need some hard science to back up our cause... please help us!

  11. I found the natives down the street said they moved here cuz of the global warming devastating the surroundings...I said to them"Oh''.........So I believe it.

  12. You're right... send me around the world, for at least a decade or two,  so I can verify first hand that the climate is warmer.

    If you there was any "data that shows how global warming is not casued by man" you would be able to point to it, and you would not have to pretend to be a cliematoologeest.

  13. because it takes 80 to 100 years to average the short term variations & get meaningful data. by then you cant remember what your opinion is & are too deaf to hear others opinions.

    wait, what was the question?

    oh yeah global warming. I had a dog named global warming once mumble mumble mumble

  14. I thought you got stranded on Alpha Centuri with The Robot.

  15. because people are very opninated so alot of people would like to say what they want and present there opinion as a fact

  16. Bob, are you pretending to be someone you aren't again?  A quick look at your question history confirms my suspicion. Not only have you not done any "first hand research", but you probably haven't even read anyone else's "first hand research".

    My opinion on global warming came from reading peer reviewed scientific literature.  I understand the basic physics and am experienced in computer modeling, so I can follow most of the work being done in the field.  And I love to analyze data, so as a hobby I dig through the various temperature and other climate related datasets.

  17. Is that you "Baghdad Bob?" Welcome back! I see you are a climatologist now, even though you can't spell it. After only 2 weeks! You are a quick learner and the studies you do in such a short time...amazing!

    How can you sleep at night perpetrating a scientist?

  18. What university did you get your atmospheric chemistry degree at?

    If you don't have one, how can you do first-hand research?

  19. I applaud your brave efforts to advance humankind's understanding of Earth's climateo.

  20. please send a link to this first hand research.  I would be very keen to read it as i'm sure most people on these forums would.  ...thing is, something about the blatancy of your question and lack of all referencing of said research leads me to believe you don't have any.

    Prove me wrong, I dare you!

  21. LOL..I know some people on yahoo answers would love to see the back of you but....LOL crack me up...BTW, I hope you research was better than your spelling.  This is how you spell 'Climatologist'. Just thought that I should point it out. If it is to be your new user name it looks kind of dumb if you can't spell it correctly. Also it casts some doubt over the validity of your claims if it is spelt wrong......anyway, you keep up the good work and hopefully you will win a Nobel prize soon.


  22. I used to be in denial just like you, but now I realize that people are causing global warming. We need to stop.

  23. ooooo you got served by a woman sucka!  And she's absolutely right.  I'll go ahead and believe the scientists that have spent the majority of their life studying the global climate thanks very much.

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