
Without googling.. Do you know where these countrys are?

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Australia? Sri Lanka? Afganistan? New Zealand? Greenland?

I hear alot of people throughout the world would have no clue!




  1. yes i know where they are.

  2. yes i know where they are

  3. es

    Austalia is an Island continent southeast of Asia, and is between the Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans

    Sri Lanka is an Island nation off the coast of India

    Afghinistan is in Central Asia and is between the nations of Pakistan (to the southeast) Iran (to the southwest) Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan (to the north) and China (to the east) Only a tiny bit of Afghanistan borders china

    Greenland is a large semiautonomous island state off the coast of Nothern Canada. The Arctic Ocean lies to the North, and the Atlantic to the south and east. Much of its foriegn and military afairs are administered by Denmark, but otherwise effectively has home rule. over 90% of Greenland is covered by a continental glacier. only a few settlements are on the western and southern coasts of the island.

    New Zealand is an archapelago (group of islands) consisting of 2 main islands and many smaller ones about 1000 miles to the east of Australia, in the Pacific Ocean

  4. yes australia and new zealand are under asia, Afganistan and sri lanka are in asia and greenland is above canada

    Well thats what I think haha

  5. I know all of them with reasonable certainty except for Sri Lanka. I have a general sense of where that one is but I couldn't put it on a map exactly.  Most people in the U.S. barely know where Canada is these days though.  It's really sad.

  6. I know where they are!

    Australia is a continent, a country, an an island. It is found below Indonesia, between the Pacific and Indian oceans.

    Sri Lanka is an island off the southern tip of the Indian sub-continent.

    Afghanistan is in Asia.

    New Zealend is found slightly beside Australia.

    Greenlend isn't a country and is part of Denmark located at the very top of the Atlantic.

  7. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.  I could place all of them on a map of the world.

    That said, it occurred to me just earlier this week, that I probably couldn't place Venezuela on a map, if someone asked me to.  Perhaps it's just luck that you named countries that I know.

    I've been wanting to find an online world geography test (and it should include the countries' capitals, 'cause I don't know that I could name those, either).

    Hmmm...I wonder if these are any good...

  8. Australia is its own continent in the southern hemisphere, below Asia.

    Sri Lanka is a small island below India.

    Afghanistan is west of China in Asia.

    New Zealand is a two island nation east of Austaralia.

    Greenland is a nation owned by Denmark and is near Canada and the arctic.

  9. 3 yes, 1 im pretty positive, and the other i THINK i know but not with any certainty.

  10. I know exactly where all of them are ...  although , I'm Canadian ,,, and it seems like the American kids are the ones that are generally clueless when it comes to the subject.

  11. yes- I do know where these countries are. I'm a Sri Lankan living in Australia and NZ is located south east of Australia, Afghanistan in west Asia and Greenland is north of Canada

  12. Woot! I do!

  13. Yes.

  14. Australia is south of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Sri Lanka is just south of India. New Zealand is southeast of Australia. Afghanistan is in western Asia. Greenland is in the North Atlantic Ocean.

  15. Of course I know where these countries are, and many more.  I'm a geography freak too!  The unfortunate truth,  in MY eyes, is that the people who ARE,  less likely to know the locations of these 'far away lands' (ok, that's sarcasm), reside right here in the U.S. of A.   Moreover, most of them are overly content in not ever learning, nor caring to find out.   Oi!  Don't get me started.........

    Cheers! Jen

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