
Without reading books,use an open mind,and look at the pyramids, Why was the Pyramids Built? ?

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Give me your thoughts after looking at the pyramids for a bit;_ylt=A0geu4lWSrJInn0AIilXNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=pyramids&fr2=tab-web&fr=slv8-divx




  1. For fame and glory.

  2. The pharoes (prince) of that time were living in extreme luxury. They even wanted to get these luxuries after their lives. Most of them were very cruel so they never thought how the people develope them. Many of them spent half of their ages to construct these pyramids.

    The purpose of these pyramids was to get luxury after life.

  3. to house the royal dead (pharaohs ).

    But to be really open minded, pyramid shapes are the shape of energy vortexes, so maybe they were built to channel something to the gods

  4. just to be tombs for the kings  

  5. Pyramids were built as an icon of power and glory, at its time it was an dream to build such a huge buildings just as difficult as its to build a proper standing bridge in Egypt nowadays :)

  6. to split the sand storms.other than to do some thing with the slaves because they were ignorant.i really can't say.but with time i could make up many more brainstorm ideas that don't make any sense.maybe we should find the original plans.then we might have a clue.

  7. Ok, we all know what history says about it, but with my open mind:

    It was built to remind ppl who the pharaohs were and how powerful, Rich and Intelligent Egypt was when they were around...

  8. Great monuments by great people.

  9. they believed in afterlife that one will live again so they used these to take food and clothes and gold and everything they needed in their life  and the pyramids were built like this to protect them from robbery

    and i read once that dimensions with which the pyramids are built help alot in keeping food as it is without rotting  

  10. this link is great, it shows hundreds of fascinating photos of the Pyramids .

    the Ancient Egyptians wanted to immortalize themselves and their greatness .

    Khofu built the biggest Pyramid of Giza with this purpose .

    a tomb was hidden inside the Pyramid .

    this tomb was not discovered for thousands of years , and was found quite recently .

    the shape of the Pyramid is a masterpiece in architecture .

    it is said that this form preserves living organisms .

    that's why tourists are advised to get miniature pyramids and keep them on their bedside tables .

    there are so many  secrets which havent been revealed concerning the Pyramids , and monuments of the Ancient Egyptians .

  11. That's easy to say, Pharaohs lived in luxury and wanted to have that luxury afterlife Ancient Egyptians believed in afterlife, and Pharaohs wanted that luxury even afterlife


    to the people who say it was built by slaves, Almost all Archaeologists agree that it was not built by slaves, I'll provide more citations in a minute

    Quote Wikipedia

    "In addition to the many hypotheses about the techniques involved, there are also disagreements as to the kind of workforce used. One hypothesis, suggested by the Greeks, suggests that the workforce was slaves who were forced to work until the pyramid was done. This hypothesis is no longer widely accepted in the modern era. Archaeologists now believe the Great Pyramid of Giza at least was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levee) until the construction was completed."

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