
Without the PS3, Blu-ray struggles mightily for acceptance?

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Sooner or later people will have to get blu-ray if they want to have movies. But some people seem to be pretty stubborn about it. If HD-DVD would have one the war, even though it wasn't as good, do you think that HD would be more acceptable to people?




  1. No, people aren't resisting buying a player because it is Blu ray and not HD-DVD. They are resisting because the players are expensive, the movies are expensive, and they don't think the performance over DVD's is worth it.

    I suspect this holiday season we will start to see Blu Ray players readily available in the $100 to $200 range, and then it will be more acceptable to people.

  2. why? HD cant hold nearly as much data as a blu-ray... blu-ray was the obvious choice

    people who supported hd didnt want to see there money waisted

  3. No I honestly think it would be the same. People just hate to be forced to upgrade. Like when we were forced to go from vhs to dvd, 8 track to cassette tape, cassette tape to cd. We just hate having to fork out extra money for something we really don't want to do. I am happy with dvd quality. I have like 400 dvd's and the fact that I am being forced into blue ray (even tho I have a ps3) does not exactly excite me. I look at my collection of dvd's and think great now what will I do with all of these when they stop selling dvd players.  

  4. No, HD-DVD doesn't have Blu-ray's capacity. HD-DVD can hold up to 30GB, while Blu-ray (BD-DVD) can hold up to 50GB. And there is a room for progress - Toshiba had developed 200GB Blu-Ray prototype. Sony had performed this trick with DVD too. Back in those days DVDs were really expensive, players were expensive too, Sony came out with PS2 and it gave a huge boost in DVD sales. PS3 repeats same steps.

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