
Without the advent of sun blocks and other man made lotions to protect the european from the natural rays of?

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the sun...what would make you or anyone believe that the could survive on the africain contnet in ancient times without dying out,makes more sense that they lived in the caves of europe huh. also what would black folk do with long hair in the heat of africa? think about it....lastly physics has suggested colered eyes is a trait of night time hunters,that seems to validate the time that they lived in caves and feared the sun....even today they get burned by gods natural light...furthermore it is also proven that the cacucasian is a mutant breed the word albino means white so does ( caulk,calk,cauk etc.....i,m not a raciest i would like to see someone prove me wrong without lying.




  1. Though you didn't really ask a question per se', you made some interesting comments...

    Nightime hunting in pre-historic Europe is quite possible, but only in conjunction with using torches (fire) which could confuse large animals, such as Mastadons & Wooly Rhinocerous, and such, into falling in a ravine, and braking their bones...

    I've always read that the blue-eye gene, which was also carried by Neanderthals, was a reaction to the glare from snow, and populations successfully mutated towards that eye-color, over time. People in northern latitudes generally produce less melanin in both the skin & eyes...

    ******* hair texture & consistency (spongey curls) is actually a type of "radiator", which creates the maximum surface area to circulate air & allows heat to escape from the head, while covering the skin on the scalp adequately enough to prevent sunburn...

    Nature acts in mysterious ways!

  2. The reason those from Africa and the pacifics are a darker color is due to melanomin in the skin. This is  a natural happening. It;s in the genes. Wake up.

  3. I believe that Europeans would survive on Africa because it actually happened.  Most white people end up burning first, and we're definitely more likely to get skin cancer.  However, skin cancer doesn't kill you right away, or the US never would have survived the middle part of the last century, when everyone was all slathering themselves with Crisco and then baking outside for hours.  Even the vacationers who did that nonsense on the Caribbean survived.

    People with lighter eyes (I'm assuming that's what you're talking about, since every race has the darkest colored eyes, brown) aren't able to see in the dark.  There might be some advantage to absorbing as much sunlight as possible, but we're not talking about cat vision here.  We're talking more about having slightly less difficulty in slightly dimmer areas- not enough, again, for it to be a huge deal, but enough to make an evolutionary difference over the long haul.

    And, yes, white people are mutants.  So are black, brown, and every other color.  Due to the difficulty of replicating genes, I guarantee every single person on Earth has some random mutations on their DNA.  We're all mutants, even if you can't see that mutation.

  4. So called cave men didn't really live in caves to any extent.  Caves are simply good places for fossils to form and be later found.  Caves may have provided some habitat but there were far too many people living in an area for them all to live in caves.  It wouldn't work today, It didn't work then.    Everyone is a mutant breed.  Every characteristic we have is due to mutations.  I agree that whites moving to Africa would soon get darker or die.  Whites are not any better at night than others.  Having been an Army infantry sergeant, I think I am qualified to make that judgement since we learned to walk into the forest at night and develope our night vision.  Human night vision is pretty pathetic when related to most other animals.  Our day vision is superb however.

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