
Without too much detail- where do girls' "cramps" hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I don't really know what's going on with that stuff.




  1. Without too much detail, uterus.

  2. it varies from people but i get cramps

    * lower stomach - like where ur hips are like sorta inbetween them

    * inner legs

    * lower back

  3. well i get them in my lower stomach and my lower back tends to hurt.

  4. It may vary from one girl to the next, but cramps are usually hurting in the lower abdomen, like in between the hips.

  5. ok, well its different for all girls but we mainly get pain in the lower stomach, lower back and some girls get headaches. Nothing too scary hurts its kind of like someone ringing your insides :P

    hope i helped :P

  6. Lower abdomen and lower back mainly but everyone's different, some people get nausea, some hurt all over, some get sad, some get angry, some get nothing at all...

  7. it's nice you want to understand you sisters more, that's pretty cool. :)

    lower stomach-it's hard to explain.  it doesn't feel like a stomach ache [to me], just a dull ache that makes you shiver.  and sometimes, it's a sharp pain that makes you hunch over in agony.  either way, it's not very pleasant.  :P

  8. In the lower stomach. Some girls also get a general stomach ache and often back pain too.

    I know mine have never been particulary painful at all; but i have friends who almost cannot walk some days.

  9. Lower back mainly

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