
Without using NUKE, which country/countries do you frear most going to War against?

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Let's just hypothetically say there are no NUKE weapons.




  1. Croatia and the US. I hate to even think about being captured and forced to eat ****. And this is not defamation-it is a fact.

  2. Israel, If they were not a ally, I would wonder their intentions.

  3. Any nation that is stronger than Grenada because that was the only war we have won.

  4. China and Japan...they are all too smart

  5. CHINA.

    they have nuclear weapons (so do we, but whateverr...) and their population is 5 times the amount of ours.

    they'll take us over.



  6. none, this is america

  7. The USA. The coming revolution is going to be very tough. Taking our country back from the corrupt government is going to be hard.

  8. Ireland.  It would s***w up the Guinness supply.

  9. Russia  then and now.

    They have the most to beat and are very war trained. They also have a ton of nukes.  

  10. Japan. My goodness, have you ever seen those clips on Chris Tarrant show where its like Japanese Its a Knockout but where all these poor Japanese men get mildly tortured (to win money I think)..... if thats what they can do to their own kind all in the name of a game, then what would they do with Prisoners of War!!!!

  11. The Chinese....all 1.35 Billion of them.....

  12. Mexico.  There are more illegal and legal Mexican nationals living in the United states than all other nations combined.  We have never taken the immigration problem with Mexico seriously, and even after 911, we allow millions of Mexicans to cross our borders every year, possibly carrying biological weapons.  The Mexican community in America has mastered the forging of documents and concealing of resources, to an extent that undermines our economy.  We are very vulnerable.  

    Your question is hypothetical and based on fear not "frear".

    In reality, I don't think the Mexican government could ever control their population well enough to wage war.

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