
Wives, why do you think married men watch p**n, m********e and cheat? Do men & women have a different idea..?

by  |  earlier

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of marriage? Are men really that bad at marriage?




  1. they do these things because they are selfesh and have no respect for their wives, their wives feelings. It is also a lack of self control.they think it doesnt hurt the wife when in reality it is the most painful thing they can do.

  2. not all men cheat.

  3. Biology, think about it men are constantly producing billions of sperm, women are born with all their eggs.  In biology, in other species the job of the male is to spread their seed, we are born with this drive, just like females are born to be attracted to the strongest partner, so that he could support their offspring, in humans this could explain why women throw themselves to rich guys, or the guy with the nice car etc.

    Men find it hard to be monotnous because it is against nature.

  4. They watch p**n, m********e and cheat because as Robin Williams once said, there is only enough blood to run one head at a time and the blood never gets above the belly button.

    Yes men and women have a different idea of marriage.

    A lot of men are very bad at marriage.  My ex thought that marriage was collecting all the possessions he could and that included me and the kids as possessions.  I was not supposed to go anywhere, have any friends or even talk to anyone because because he didn't want me telling anyone about the mental and verbal abuse we went through.  When I left him his friends came to me asking if he was "like that" when we were together.  They had never seen that side of him and couldn't believe what a D*&^ he was!

  5. Yes! married men watch p**n and m********e and some cheat also! they lie when they say they don't m********e ! Thats a Fact !

  6. Yes married men watch p**n and m********e. Some cheat and some don't. We do not have a different idea of marriage I don't think. The people that cheat think that they are smart enough to get away with it and usually they are wrong. You always get caught eventually. They watch p**n and m********e for the same reasons that women do. I don't think that their is anything wrong with it. Every so often something different is not a bad thing so a movie it is. Neither is being visually stimulated.

  7. b/c no matter how much they get it they are always horny and want MORE!


    yes!!!!!!!!! they suck at marriage! after this marriage i wont ever get married again! i promise u that honey!!

  8. Have you ever tried watching p**n with your husband? Maybe you both can mutually m********e. If a guy sees you like his interests he wont cheat on you at all.

  9. of course they do...

      women are no different either

  10. Men watch p**n because they are visually stimulated and like the fantasy aspect of it and probably imagine themselves performing the acts they watch.

    Men m********e for the same reasons some women do.  Some cheat even if their marriages are perfect because they chose to...plain and simple.  Some men are bad at marriages but the same thing can be said about some women.

  11. I was watching the Tira show? and she said 13 million women rented porno's last year, It was more than I thought, The wife and I like to watch poro's togther, she normally ask me if i would like to watch one with her, I've never have said no. we watch one get hot and bothered and have crazy, wild s*x. I will say I have nevered cheated on my wife, she is good enough in bed to keep me happy, We've been married 17 years, I work hard, cook half of the meals and take the kids to 4-H events, I do listen to my wife when somethings is wrong, as she listens to me, It takes 2 to make a marriage work on all levels.

  12. they watch p**n bc every man loves p**n (atleast all the ones i know) and they m********e bc thats just quick and easy and sometimes they just want to c*m and not have to worry about the other person (thats wat my husband says) and they cheat bc they have been with the same woman for yrs and see something hot and new they dont have at home and want some of it.

    personaly i dont mind my man watching p**n or masturbating as long as im not home and he knows this.

    and about cheating i dont aprove of it bc they way i see is......

    if im stuck with u and can deal with it forever, u can too. we chose this and if we cant be faithful than lets get divorce bc i dont agree of a 3,4,5,6 etc person relationship.  

  13. Some people, like my wife and I, are very good at marriage. On the other hand, a lot of women watch p**n, m********e and cheat.


  15. I think that married men watch p**n and such as a way to sort of cry out for help. Women get wrapped up in themselves and forget that men have needs. I think that if more women realized this and did something to change it, women wouldn't get cheated on as much. I hope that made sense.

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